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Fred Tacon

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Everything posted by Fred Tacon

  1. Actually discovered that it was a loading issue. Not sure why it only impacted 0, but it is working now.
  2. I am using TweenMax with Adobe Edge Animate, and I am trying to rotate a div to zero degrees from various starting points. If I set rotation equal to any positive or negative number, the div will rotate to that value. However, if I set rotation equal to 0, the div will not rotate at all. Is there a secret to this that I am missing? Here is a sample where photo1 is the div. It is a photo that is on the screen and initially at a -24deg rotation. I want it to move to the coordinates listed while rotating to 0deg. TweenMax.to(photo1, 1, {top:215, left:240, rotation:0, ease:Power1.easeInOut}); Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Fred
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