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Everything posted by bradwoods.io

  1. I've simplified the timeline to make it easier to show the problem I'm having. The actual timeline I'm making is more complex. I don't think it's as easy as just using `fromTo`. The required timeline needs to set calculated values at the beginning, then, at some point in the timeline (not at the beginning of it) they need to change. It looks like CSS variables will do it though.
  2. My understanding of timelines might be wrong. But in the below sandbox. I'm setting a clip-path value then animating it. The border-radius value doesn't change. But in the end result it is animating. Would you know why? https://codepen.io/bradwoods/pen/mdgpaeE?editors=0010
  3. Thanks for the response! Changing to the same amount of units seems to solve one problem but reveals another. The border radius is changing when it shouldn't be. I've altered the sandbox with the updated values.
  4. I've seen sandboxes of GSAP animating polygon but none with calc using percent + px units. Does anyone know if I'm implementing this incorrectly or if not, a workaround for this? Sandbox: https://codepen.io/bradwoods/pen/BaEZorO?editors=0110
  5. Does anyone know if I'm implementing this incorrectly or if not, a workaround for this? Sandbox: https://codepen.io/bradwoods/pen/QWPgjMY
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