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  1. Hi Jack, I was in holliday the last weeks, so my answer is late: 1. no, sorry this does not work...(copied and pasted the function) 2. There is no logical problem, because there is no need for a firstFadeIn. Its an endless loop, so when the timeline ends the first picture/object is shown - still when the timeline begins. The timeline is build correctly with my function, but it is not starting to play with the first picture, but with the last (not the last tween!). The last picture is shown for the whole timeline duration with no tween. After that the timeline plays in correctly. Thats not what we need, because the timeline can have a duration of 1 hour. Nobody wants to wait 1 hour to see the first tween/the next picture. I am using Flash Professional CS6 and Flashbuilder 4.6 (yes, a legal registered copy). I tried it both with swc import and source path definition. Thanks!!! Daniel Heres my function: private function buildTL2(objects:Array,duration:Number, blendDuration:Number):TimelineMax { var tll:TimelineMax=new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); for (var i:uint=0; i<objects.length; ++i) { if(i>0) tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true}),-blendDuration); tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true}),duration); } tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[0],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true}),-blendDuration); return tll; }
  2. Hi Carl, I am compiling inside Flash Professional CS6 - and its compiling very well on 3 different systems. You just need to hit <ctrl><enter> (PC). Or just build your own AIR-Project and c/paste the buildTL2()-function. TweenMax.Version=12.0.11 the first tween is not the tween you marked as first tween. This the one: tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true}),duration); The first tween has a positive starttime (duration = 5s). The timeline shoud start with the first sprite showing it for 5s and then blend over to the next. The one you marked is the last tween: object[0] is blending in, so the loop is endless. Any other is described above: ...the timeline is built, but isn't playing in a right way; Its starting with the last picture then you have to wait numberOf(objects)*duration befor its blinking once and playing in the expected way.
  3. Hi, thank you very much for your reply! The missing files error is a runtime-error not an compile-error and is caused by the missing images in the defined imageFolder in the line: var fd:File=new File("C:\\TimelineTest_27-09-2013\\Bilder"); Duplicate variable definition is a warning not an error. You can compile that fla by ignoring all warnings. Just put some images (jpg) into the folder defined above. The timeline-build is happening in the function buildTL2() (see code below and the attached fla) I'm not splicing an array anywhere. The array is built after all Images in the folder are loaded and is consisting of the rawcontent of all successfully loaded loader (imageLoader when only jpgs are in the defined folder). Also, as you can see in the code below, the first tween starts at 0 in the timeline, because of the IF(i>0)-Statement in the loop. private function buildTL2(objects:Array,duration:Number, blendDuration:Number):TimelineMax { var tll:TimelineMax=new TimelineMax({repeat:-1}); //var animArr:Array=new Array(); var td:Number=0; for (var i:uint=0; i<objects.length; ++i) { if(i>0) tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true}),-blendDuration); tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true}),duration); } tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[0],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true}),-blendDuration); return tll; } So unfortunately you answer does not clear anything up I commented out all unneeded code in the TLTestMain.as After compiling you should see output like this: dir loaded. extension: jpg extension: jpg extension: jpg extension: jpg extension: mp4 extension: jpg extension: jpg extension: jpg extension: swf extension: jpg progress: 0.0019732022538030795 progress: 0.003946404507606159 progress: 0.005190645583326561 progress: 0.007163847837129641 progress: 0.00913705009093272 progress: 0.010899461497279817 progress: 0.012872663751082897 progress: 0.014845866004885976 progress: 0.016819068258689056 progress: 0.018792270512492135 progress: 0.020765472766295215 progress: 0.022806539977985138 progress: 0.024779742231788218 progress: 0.026752944485591297 progress: 0.9702562421353415 progress: 0.9722108514519288 progress: 0.9741654607685162 progress: 0.974546176526668 progress: 0.9765007858432553 progress: 0.9784553951598426 progress: 0.9804100044764299 progress: 0.9810125881957953 progress: 0.9829671975123827 progress: 0.98492180682897 progress: 0.9856573502702187 [SWF] C:\Entwicklung\TimelineTest_27-09-2013\Bilder\TestSWF.swf - 192779 Byte nach Dekomprimierung progress: 0.9857042947749841 progress: 0.9950806637048359 progress: 0.9970538659586391 progress: 0.9990270682124421 progress: 1 LoaderMax 'mainQueue' is complete! TimelineTest_27-09-2013.zip
  4. Hi Greensock Support, i think this is the right topic, because i´m trying to get a simple endless-loop Sequence to run: private function buildTL2(objects:Array,duration:Number, blendDuration:Number):TimelineMax { var tll:TimelineMax=new TimelineMax({repeat:-1, paused:true}); //var animArr:Array=new Array(); var td:Number=0; for (var i:uint=0; i<objects.length; ++i) { if(i>0) tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true}),-blendDuration); tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true}),duration); td=1; //tll.append(this.animINOUT(objects[i],duration,blendDuration),-blendDuration); //animArr.push(this.animINOUT(objects[i],duration,blendDuration)); } tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[0],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true}),-blendDuration); //tll.append(TweenMax.fromTo(objects[i],blendDuration,{autoAlpha:1, immediateRender:true},{autoAlpha:0, immediateRender:true}),duration); //tll.appendMultiple(animArr, 0, "normal", -blendDuration); return tll; } No way to get this work: the timeline is built, but isn't playing in a right way; Its starting with the last picture then you have to wait numberOf(objects)*duration befor its blinking once and playing in the expected way. Tryied with play(0), restart(), gotoAndPlay(0), gotoAndStop(9) and play(), etc. In Flash its working, in AIR 3.2-3.8 not. Why??? In the attached .fla you can find several ways to build the timeline: - tl.append(TweenMax) - tl.appendMultiple(Array(TimelineMax)) - tl.appendMultiple(Array(Animation)) TimelineTest_27-09-2013.zip
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