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  1. @mvaneijgen Hello do you example of implement Observer using React js?, i having difficulty to convert your demo to react code, thanks
  2. @mvaneijgen thank your for responding, this is the link for stackbliz https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-xogadh?file=src%2FApp.js. so basically of demo i shared, when we scrolling and enter the banner section the letter appear one by one as we still scrolling down this section. do you think is possible to change from scrolltrigger to observer and still have the same result? Thank you!
  3. Hey Greensock! I was just wondering if I could get some assistance on my project. I want to create animation letter that appear one by one when scrolling, right now this is my progress https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-xogadh?file=src%2FApp.js I kinda hope when user scroll to the second section they have to scroll one by one/slowly to make the all letters appears. I've tried using pin and adding values "end" more but it makes section after them got pushed down and it some breakpoints it make the animation section got scrolled too. is this the right way to achieve it? Thank you for any help. Sorry for my english
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