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Everything posted by Luckyde

  1. do you think it's possible to make the start and end location dynamic? so degree1=20 degree 2=300
  2. That works great! I'm making the radius dynamic and controling the x and y by moving the container mc's x and y. It seems to work if i use {_x:0, _y:-radius}, {_x:radius*0.55, _y:-radius}, {_x:radius, _y:-radius*0.55} etc Now I need to figure out how to make this for 5 more options, so that when you click on a menu option it goes to the top. Attached is what I'm trying to achieve, I hope you don't mind if I ask more questions soon! I really appreciate your help with this Carl!
  3. Thanks so much for that Carl! Though for some reason it's not exporting on my end(the circle's static), I've got the tweenmax as2 library downloaded, it's not giving me any error messages to trouble shoot. Should I be running the AS3 version of the com folder?
  4. Thanks Carl, I supose I was looking for a way to code it in AS2 using the tweenlite engine for movement types where as the google results are for twenlite with AS3 or AS2 without tweenlite. I was more hoping i could apply the movement and keep the nice ease and delay timing effects that tweenlite's so great at without overcomplicating the code. Thanks for the suggestion
  5. Having some issues making a tween on a pattern. Is this doable with tweenlite on AS2? I saw docs in AS3, but I'm after an AS2 way of doing it. Specifically having several menu options in a circle pattern moving up the circle once clicked. Has anyone achieve d this in AS2?
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