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Everything posted by amjad_barchini

  1. Hello I want to know if I can divide the screen size on 100 circle with different size please like this website bubbles also I try to use @nivo/circle-packing to get the radius after packing them but I cannot so how to get it please
  2. thank you so much but the problem is in matter.js can I detect the size of them to occupy the whole screen ?
  3. my demo is too bad so it is not offer any shape like the live website
  4. thank you so much but after a lot of searching I think only the three.js can build like this bubbles or vanilla javascript but it is too hard
  5. hello I want to make website to simulate this website exactly in the way of movement and behavior when the vircles touch each other is there any way to buil it using gsap please https://cryptobubbles.net/
  6. <script setup> import { ref, onMounted } from "vue"; import axios from "~/services/axios.js"; import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; import { CheckBadgeIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/24/solid"; // import { CheckCircle } from '@vue-icons/heroicons'; import paint from "../../assets/images/paint.jpg"; import t1 from "../../assets/images/true/t1.jpg"; import t2 from "../../assets/images/true/t2.jpg"; import t3 from "../../assets/images/true/t3.jpg"; import t4 from "../../assets/images/true/t4.jpg"; import t5 from "../../assets/images/true/t5.jpg"; import t6 from "../../assets/images/true/t6.jpg"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const data = [ { image: t1, text: "amjad" }, { image: t2, text: "amjad" }, { image: t3, text: "amjad" }, { image: t6, text: "amjad" }, { image: t4, text: "amjad" }, { image: t5, text: "amjad" }, ]; const initAnimation = () => { const section_2 = document.getElementById("horizontal"); let box_items = gsap.utils.toArray(".horizontal__item"); gsap.fromTo( box_items, { xPercent: 30 * (box_items.length - 1), }, { xPercent: -120 * (box_items.length - 1), ease: "sine.out", // duration: 5, scrollTrigger: { trigger: section_2, pin: true, scrub: 1, // markers: true, snap: 1 / (box_items.length - 1), end: "+=" + section_2.offsetWidth, toggleActions: "restart pause reverse reverse", }, } ); }; let scrollTriggerInstance; const features = ref([]); const featuresFor = ref([]); const error = ref(null); const isLoading = ref(false); onMounted(() => { // fetchChoicesData(); window.addEventListener("resize", () => { ScrollTrigger.refresh(); }); const handleResize = () => { if (window.innerWidth <= 800 && scrollTriggerInstance) { // Kill the ScrollTrigger instance and animation if screen size is less than or equal to 800px ScrollTrigger.refresh(); scrollTriggerInstance.kill(); scrollTriggerInstance = null; } else if (window.innerWidth > 800 && !scrollTriggerInstance) { // Initialize the animation if screen size is more than 800px ScrollTrigger.refresh(); scrollTriggerInstance = initAnimation(); } }; if (window.innerWidth > 800) { scrollTriggerInstance = initAnimation(); } window.addEventListener("resize", handleResize); }); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); </script> <template> <div class="w-full"> <h1 class="text-white text-[3rem] sm:text-[5.5rem] leading-[5rem] font-[600] mb-[2.2rem] ">Pracht <br> Abonnement</h1> <div id="horizontal" class="horizontal w-full big:h-[100vh] big:overflow-hidden big:px-0 px-[1.5rem] py-[1rem] gap-[4rem] grid grid-rows-my-features big:pb-0 pb-[8rem] relative" > <div class="w-full sm:px-[5rem] xl:px-[14rem] h-max grid justify-items-center gap-[1rem] sm:gap-[10rem] sm:grid-cols-2" > <div class="w-max h-max gap-[1rem] sm:gap-[2rem] grid justify-items-start"> <div class="container-tick" > <CheckBadgeIcon class="icon__tick" /> <h1 class="text__tick">Maandeliks Betalen</h1> </div> <div class="container-tick" > <CheckBadgeIcon class="icon__tick" /> <h1 class="text__tick">100% Garantie</h1> </div> <div class="container-tick" > <CheckBadgeIcon class="icon__tick" /> <h1 class="text__tick">Professioneel Schilderwerk</h1> </div> </div> <div class="w-max h-max gap-[1rem] sm:gap-[2rem] grid justify-items-start"> <div class="container-tick" > <CheckBadgeIcon class="icon__tick" /> <h1 class="text__tick">Zorgeloos onderhoud</h1> </div> <div class="container-tick" > <CheckBadgeIcon class="icon__tick" /> <h1 class="text__tick">Reiging & Glasbewassing</h1> </div> <div class="container-tick" > <CheckBadgeIcon class="icon__tick" /> <h1 class="text__tick">Ondafhankelike inspectie</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container row-span-2 w-[100%] h-full m-auto"> <div class="horizontal__content h-full big:grid-flow-col grid gap-y-[4rem]"> <div v-for="num in data" :key="num" class="horizontal__item big:h-[60%] big:w-[28rem] h-[20rem] sm:h-[30rem] w-full mr-[10rem]" > <div class="horizontal__num w-full h-full relative"> <img :src="num.image" class="w-full h-full object-cover" alt="" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <style scoped> .text__tick { @apply text-white text-[1rem] sm:text-[1.4rem]; } .icon__tick { @apply text-[#f598af] text-[1.8rem] w-[2.2rem] h-[2.2rem]; } .container-tick { @apply grid grid-cols-my-calc grid-flow-col items-center text-left justify-items-start gap-[.7rem]; } </style>
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