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Bayu Handono

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  1. How to implemented this script to text reveal?
  2. How to adding stagger in this script, the stagger still not working https://codepen.io/cameronknight/pen/pogQKwR
  3. How to use polygon in gsap code to animating image with this code: https://codepen.io/byhndo/pen/wvOZMvQ So, image will animating from bottom, like this: https://codepen.io/cameronknight/pen/WNwZORV Thanks
  4. That's right, I want to apply the effect to the red "0" on my 404 page. The effect is working but not working properly. Because I want to use the code from gsap 1.19 to gsap 3.12.5 version. In this section (gsap 1.19 version): bt.addEventListener('click', function(e) { TweenLite.set(turb, { attr: { x: isFF ? e.offsetX : e.offsetX + 10, y: isFF ? e.offsetY : e.offsetY + 10, width: 0, height: 0 } }); TweenLite.to(turb, 3, { attr: { x: '-=300', y: '-=300', width: 600, height: 600 } }); TweenLite.fromTo(dm, 2, { attr: { scale: 30 } }, { attr: { scale: 0 } }); }); } To gsap version 3.12.5: bt.addEventListener('click', function(e) { gsap.set(turb, { attr: { x: isFF ? e.offsetX : e.offsetX + 10, y: isFF ? e.offsetY : e.offsetY + 10, width: 0, height: 0 } }); gsap.to(turb, 3, { attr: { x: '-=300', y: '-=300', width: 600, height: 600 } }); gsap.fromTo(dm, 2, { attr: { scale: 30 } }, { attr: { scale: 0 } }); }); }
  5. Yes, I solved that problem by saving the png on my host and it worked. But the problem is not that, I want the effect to work properly like on this page https://tympanus.net/Development/DistortedButtonEffects/ And I tried to apply it with gsap version 3.12.5 but it doesn't work well on my web page https://bayu.monster/404 Hello can you help @OSUblake
  6. How to create water effect on button with gsap version 3x.. Button number 8 in this : https://tympanus.net/Development/DistortedButtonEffects/ I've tried implementing it on my web but the effect on the button doesn't work well. https://bayu.monster/404 Here is the code: https://codepen.io/byhndo/pen/ExMRNpR I hope someone can help me Thank you
  7. Bayu Handono

    Easy Pack

    Why EasyPack plugin dissapear in new version plugin? Please give information about documentation about using easypack ini new version?
  8. How to insert/combine window load(loading until all page loaded) to function "setup reveal" in gsap. So, the page load all resource before star animation. Like this: window.addEventListener("load", () => { const tl = gsap.timeline(); tl.to(".loader", { delay: 2, opacity: 0, duration: 1, ease: Power3.easeOut }); function setupReveal(container) { container.ctx = gsap.context(() => { //gsap code... }); } Like this but combine windowload with function setup reveal, ctx context : https://codepen.io/byhndo/pen/oNmjaWb
  9. How to apply the loading effect on the page below? It is difficult to apply to the "SetupReveal" function This effect loading before animating https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/YzBzXog into this page https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/GRBeodX Thanks before l. I was frustrated. I've tried many times but it's not working. 🥲 I thank you very much because this forum has helped me a lot for a long time.
  10. Why does the animation move first before windows finishes loading?https://codepen.io/byhndo/pen/VwgwZqV
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