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Everything posted by vanillabass

  1. Not seeing this in version 1.18.2 - is it still possible to set the force3D globally to true? Thanks!
  2. hope this helps someone! http://codepen.io/johnmastri/pen/EPwYmb
  3. I'm running into the same issue as Dima - using an older version of TweenMax works with 3D transforms on svg elements - the more recent versions, including 1.18, end up breaking the page from rendering. Check out this pen with gsap 1.14 (same as Dima) - works as expected in Safari and Chrome: http://codepen.io/johnmastri/pen/KdQKpr This pen uses the same code, but gsap 1.18 instead - totally breaks in Safari: http://codepen.io/johnmastri/pen/avqzbW Is there a change between the versions in regards to 3d transforms on svg elements? Maybe an optional flag we have to set to enable 3D transforms on SVG now? (i.e., force3D:true, etc) Any ideas on how to re-implement this without resorting back to an older version of asap? Thanks!
  4. After more research I found that adding it as a shim worked and compiled correctly in r.js "libs/greensock/uncompressed/TweenMax" : {deps: ["jquery"], exports :"TweenMax" }, Although TweenMax doesn't have a dependency on jquery I don't see the harm in doing this as a 'quick fix'. Additionally, I removed the window.GreensockAMDPath and haven't noticed any issues. Anyone have any thoughts on why this works?
  5. Hello all, I've retrofit a project to use require.js. When I optimize using r.js and rhino, I get a min file with no errors. However when I load the app using the .min file, I get an error saying "cannot call the method 'to' of undefined". The method 'to' belongs to TweenMax. When I load the app using the non-optimized code, it works no problem. Here is the log from the terminal when running r.js: Tracing dependencies for: ../js/main Cannot optimize network URL, skipping: http://a.vimeocdn.com/js/froogaloop2.min.js Uglifying file: /Users/---/prototype/js/main.min.js Users/---/prototype/js/main.min.jsUsers/---/prototype/js/libs/requirejs/require.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/underscore/underscore-amd.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/backbone/backbone-amd.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/greensock/uncompressed/TweenMax.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/greensock/uncompressed/plugins/CSSPlugin.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/views/APVideoView.js Users/---/prototype/js/text.js text!templates/ProfileElement.html Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/views/ProfileElementView.js text!templates/CollagePiece.html Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/views/CollagePieceView.js text!templates/ProjectPiece.html Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/views/ProjectPieceView.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/APHelper.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/router/Workspace.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/isotope/jquery.isotope.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/views/ProjectView.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/imagesloaded/jquery.imagesloaded.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/views/APMainView.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/mCustomScrollbar/uncompressed/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js Users/---/prototype/js/libs/mCustomScrollbar/uncompressed/jquery.mousewheel.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/models/CollageElement.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/collections/APCollageCollection.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/models/ProfileElement.js Users/---/prototype/js/akinsparker/collections/APTeamCollection.js Users/---/prototype/js/app.js Users/---/prototype/js/../js/main.js Here is a link to all the code including the build folder which houses my build settings. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/oyepi7n1kwqrzmr/QS94f_UtfR At this point this is beyond my level of understanding so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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