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  1. hmmmm…I think I can make a svelte REPL…not sure how to do the reactive svelte stuff in vanilla js, however…I’ll try to figure it out, tho.
  2. Trying to use the FLIP plugin in svelte and having an issue. I am changing the width of a div changing it's grid-column value dynamically. the grid value will change from "9 / 14" to "6 / 14" for example, and I am using the FLIP plugin to animate the changing width. It works just fine in one direction, as the line gets larger, but going in the opposite direction the flip process actually messes up the width of the grid-columns of the parent grid. I am expecting that this will NOT happen... In any case, the video explains it much better, and with a visual example...I can try to make a codepen at some point, though not really sure how to port svelte into there...will try to do if needed. Video explaining the issue... Thank you for your help!
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