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Everything posted by DesignEbiz

  1. okay @Rodrigo. I'll look into the given example and implement it in my project. Thank you for your quick support and response. I appreciate it.
  2. Hi community, https://htxrgj.csb.app/ I want to animate my animation using scroll within 1/4 or circle, or in arc shape, please checkout for code given on codesandbox. The main issue is that everything working fine but, while from each last element is move to one step up, then a translateX is not working smooth. and I want it smooth. I hope you got my point..! Thanks in advance..!
  3. Hi @Cassie I removed unused code from my codesandbox, please checkout below Link https://htxrgj.csb.app/ I want to animate in my animation using mouse scroll in arc shape that already given in my codesandbox. The main issue is that everything working fine but, while from each last element is move to one step up, then a translateX is not working smooth. and I want it smooth. I hope you got my point..! Thanks in advance..!
  4. @Cassie Thank you for your response, I appreciate your help. I will give a updated sorter lines of code soon.
  5. Hi there, https://htxrgj.csb.app/ (For better view please test on full screen) I created a example that I want, but I face one minor issue while scrolling, I want to make it smooth while scrolling, currently it work with littel-bit of translateX issue by fix value. I hope you Understand my concern. Thanks in Advance..!
  6. Thank you.. for your response, I'll Try.
  7. https://codepen.io/design-esparkbiz/pen/PoVYjrK I want Same as this below copen, but in arc shape that I Provided. https://codepen.io/screencore/pen/QWxOBXx Thank you..! in Advance
  8. Hi Community, I'm stuck to create slider like this (see attached screenshot), can you please help me..? I tried but not working properly. I want to create slider with infinite scroll.
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