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  1. Thank you so much ❤️
  2. Hello I want to make vertical text slider. I read old post and try to make something but end of lood it shows empty line then restart again. how can i make this slider without empty state gap? blank part:
  3. Thank you so much for your reply, i solved my issue in this post: but i cannot delete this post
  4. I found this solution maybe it helps anybody const array = ['svg-a', 'svg-b', 'svg-c']; useGSAP( () => { tl.current = gsap.timeline({ delay: 1.5 }); array.forEach((item, index) => { tl.current .to(`.${array[index - 1]}`, { display: "none", duration: 0.1, }) .to(`.${item}`, { display: "block", duration: 0.1, }); }); }, { scope: container }, );
  5. Hello everyone, I want to make some animations just like here: https://gsap.com/community/forums/topic/32504-loop-through-an-array-of-text-and-display-on-screen/?do=findComment&comment=175412&_rid=151858 but using Svg components. I basicaly want to switch between svg components instead of texts. My current work is here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-egrwn8?file=components%2FLogo%2Findex.tsx Any help really appreciated!
  6. Hello everyone, I want to switch component to render using gsap but currently it overlaps eachother. my current code is: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-egrwn8?file=app%2Fpage.tsx
  7. It worked like a charm thank you again! https://codepen.io/Orhan-Celik/pen/dywYReO?editors=1010
  8. Thank you so much @Rodrigo I will try this one hope this will do my job
  9. I made some improvements but cant achieve to rotate one by one. my latest codepen below: https://codepen.io/Orhan-Celik/pen/dywYReO
  10. Hello, i found some slider using Gsap but i want to modify it with timelines. My goal is when i start scrolling my slide scroll and set rotation to 0 I tried to combine it with timeline but it jumps or anims end when i didnt scroll yet. Without timeline all of them rotates at the same time.
  11. I want to stick that black bar to end of the text: I think i should tweak around 'end' like end: "bottom top+=600", Thank you again @mvaneijgen you inspired me much ❤️
  12. Hi @mvaneijgen Thank you so much for your help, but i want to move that black background with text when it reaches end of scroll.
  13. I want to make blend text animation with scrolltrigger but i have a problem with pinned background color. My goal is after text about to finish unpin the background color scroll with text alongside. I want to unpin when text reachs here: But background color remain until whole page scrolled. Any help appreciated, thanks in advance!
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