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Ihatetomatoes last won the day on August 8 2016

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Posts posted by Ihatetomatoes

  1. Hi @midnightgamer, great inspiration and a beautiful effect you are trying to recreate. There is not much help I can offer without you posting a Codepen demo or anything to start with.


    In other words the effect would not involve only GSAP but most likely also a canvas library such as Three.js, Pixi.js or WebGL.


    You mentioned that you are trying to learn GSAP, but I don't think this effect is the easiest for a beginner.


    Here are some other forum threads that might steer you in the right direction:



    If you have any questions specific to GreenSock and the syntax, please ask.

    • Like 3
  2. It would be great if anyone from the @GreenSock team could clarify why the tween hasn't been automatically cleared when the user resizes to the larger breakpoint? 


    I have also tried to return a function in the media query to kill that tween, but the result was the same. The inline styles were still on the link, making it hidden on large breakpoints.


      "(max-width: 579px)": function () {
        let tween;
        if (nextPost) {
          tween = gsap.to(nextPost, {..., scrollTrigger: {...} });
        return function() {
          tween && tween.kill(); 
          console.log('trying to kill this tween');
          // other cleanup code can go here. 

    Any ideas?

  3. Hi Emily,

    I have some suggestions for improvements for your demo.



    First of all you don't need GSAP to change the position of your element, you can simply specify this in the stylesheet.


    .next-post {
    @media screen and (max-width: 579px) {
      .next-post {
        position: fixed;
        visibility: hidden;

    Also you don't need the resize event listener, in your demo you are creating a new ScrollTrigger every-time the user resizes the window. Try slowly resize on the smaller screens and you will see multiple ScrollTrigger markers being added to the DOM.





    Use ScrollTrigger matchMedia, this is a great way to specify a breakpoint in your JS file and create trigger only for that breakpoint.


      // small screen that matches your CSS break point
      "(max-width: 579px)": function () {
        // setup animations and ScrollTrigger if the link exists
        if (nextPost) {
          // simple tween, you don't need a timeline
          gsap.to(nextPost, {
            duration: 0.5,
            autoAlpha: 1,
            scrollTrigger: {
              trigger: ".column",
              toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
              start: "bottom 80%",
              // specify which element should trigger the end of your animation
              endTrigger: "main",
              end: "bottom 100%",
              scrub: true,
              markers: true
      // larger screen
      "(min-width: 580px)": function () {
        // remove any inline styles from the nextPost button
        // I thought this would be done automatically by ScrollTrigger but it didn't
        gsap.set(nextPost, { clearProps: "all" });

    Use autoAlpha to show/hide your link. GreenSock's autoAlpha combines opacity and visibility in one handy property. If you only use opacity, the link is not showing to the user, but is still clickable in the browser and might result in users accidentally clicking on it.


    In the large breakpoint I did use the clearProps to remove all inline styles set in the smaller breakpoint.

    gsap.set(nextPost, { clearProps: "all" });


    Here is the demo

    See the Pen VwaWojw by ihatetomatoes (@ihatetomatoes) on CodePen


    Feel free to adjust the ending values.




    • Like 3
  4. Hi, you are saying that you are trying to pin all of your sections, but you are only pinning the second one, where you setting pinSpacing: false that is why the third section is overlapping the second one.


    In other words the code is doing what it should.


    See the Pen WNwpLNJ by ihatetomatoes (@ihatetomatoes) on CodePen


    Checkout the above demo, I have created a loop for the two sections and also added overflow-x to the body because your images are causing horizontal scrollbar to appear.


    Hope that helps.

    • Like 4
  5. Hi @midnightgamer, why don't you simply use the document.querySelector?


    const c = 3;
    const child = document.querySelector(`.box:nth-child(${c})`);
    gsap.to(child, {duration: 1.4, width: '100%', ease: "expo.inOut", stagger: 0.4});

    Here is CodePen demo:

    See the Pen bGpqxrx by ihatetomatoes (@ihatetomatoes) on CodePen


    You should also use the new GSAP3 syntax gsap.to


    Hope that helps.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  6. We are all lazy @batacan don't worry :).


    GSAP is great because it lets me focus on coding the idea I have, rather than on cross-browser compatibility and performance.


    Thanks everyone for the entries, I am excluding myself voluntarily from this giveaway 😃


    I didn't mention the end of the this giveaway so lets make it 23rd August 2020. Good Luck!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. First of all the new GSAP3 syntax is this, there are some tweens using an old syntax.


    gsap.to(".layer-1", {
      duration: 0.2,
      x: xMove,
      y: yMove

    I looked at the code and there is a lot going on. 


    When you say: The bottom left one, should start spinning when scroll.


    Which plugin should make the image spin? Some build in DIVI code?

    • Like 2
  8. Hi, really hard to debug this blind, there is a lot of other scripts that load on the page.


    What error are you getting the console if any? The issue could be the order in which your scripts are loading and how you are including them in DIVI.


    Try the standard way of debugging javascript:

    - add breakpoints to your code

    - console log objects and elements


    As you can understand this forum is dedicated to GSAP and not many people here have any experience with DIVI.

    • Like 2
  9. Hi everyone, as some of you might know I have been working on putting together a series of GreenSock tutorials based on examples from cool award winning websites


    Practical GreenSock is now open for signups and you get also a nice launch bonus (40% off Club GreenSock!) from the @greensock team:)


    If you have any feedback, questions or suggestions, please let me know.


    I did run a giveaway on my site that is now closed. I know I should have invited some of the GreenSock fans from the forum to enter but there was so much to do to get the courses live that I forgot. Apologies for that.


    Let me know "What do you like the most about GreenSock?" in the comments below and I will randomly pick 3 winners of Practical GreenSock.


    Good luck!

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