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suhel's Achievements

  1. /// fourth section animation const aboutFourWrapper = document.querySelector('[aboutfour="wrapper"]'); const aboutFourHeading = document.querySelector('[aboutfour="heading"]'); const aboutFourCards = document.querySelectorAll('[aboutfourth="card"]'); function secFourAnimation() { gsap.set(aboutFourHeading, { opacity: 0, x: "100%" }); gsap.set(aboutFourCards, { opacity: 0, x: "100%" }); let tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: aboutFourWrapper, start: "top top", end: "bottom 80%", toggleActions: "play none none none" // markers: true } }); tl.to(aboutFourHeading, { opacity: 1, x: "0%", ease: "Power1.easeInOut", // Improved easing duration: 1.5 // Adjust the duration as needed (in seconds) }).to(aboutFourCards, { opacity: 1, x: "0%", ease: "Power1.easeInOut", // Improved easing stagger: 0.5, // Adjust the stagger between elements (in seconds) duration: 1.5 // Adjust the duration as needed (in seconds) }); } window.addEventListener("load", () => { secFourAnimation(); });
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