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Charlie Peterpan

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  1. Hi i'am a beginner new to GSAP, i'want to ask about the difference between package gsap and gsap-trial. so I'm now trying to create a portfolio website using NextJS-12 and want to add an animation on the scroll and try to use the ScrollSmoother library, when using gsap from npm I try to import "ScrollSmoother" from "gsap/dist/ScrollSmoother" but get an error that module not found, then I searched articles and some ScrollSmoother gsap projects for examples and found gsap-trial. when I try to import ScrollSmoother from the above path I don't get any error and the website works according to good results... but when I open the console in my browser I get a warning like the image below, can someone explain to me how to get the ScrollSmoother library it can be used on my website because as far as I know gsap-trial is running but if you see a warning from the image below it only runs locally and only certain domains... thank you
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