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  1. Well, thank you @Rodrigo for taking the time of checking the example out, and confirming it is not too bad, coming from a GSAP Superhero, it is a relief! Will continue my Tweening journey, so far it's been fun and easy to grasp ツ
  2. Hey guys, I'm pretty new to GSAP as a whole, so I apologise if I'm missing something obvious! I've been reading the forums and documentation over the past weeks and some of the solutions worked great for some of the issues I found myself into, so thanks for that! I'm trying to achieve the normal behaviour of a position: sticky; element, while enjoying the awesome ScrollSmoother Plugin. I somewhat achieved what I was going after, but the way I did it feels kinda wrong, so I'm guessing if there is a better way to achieve the same result. Please, take a look at the start and end values, pinSpacing doesn't seem to make a difference in this example. Thanks in advance ツ ScrollTrigger.create({ markers: true, trigger: stickyTrack[i], pin: stickyEl[i], start: () => `-=${gsap.getProperty(":root", "--siteHeader-height")}`, end: () => `+=${stickyTrack[i].offsetHeight - stickyEl[i].offsetHeight}`, pinSpacing: false });
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