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  1. Hi, Sorry I wasn't really clear about it. The SVG should be positioned to the right side of the screen ( So right: 0;) and the arrow should point to the left button in the hero section. The arrow can shift a bit, but shouldn't get out of the container. If the svg could be positioned to the outer left of the container wrapper, it should be good. because the SVG is wider then the arrow.
  2. Hi, The GSAP part of this question, o have pretty much under control I think, but I'm having some other issues. I'm working on a project, and normally i'm pretty decent with CSS, but this one just doesn't seem to click for me. Maybe someone here has an idea for fix this thing. There's this hero design, this hero contains a SVG which I will animate using GSAP draw SVG later on. The SVG is placed absolutely at this moment in the hero section. it's a drawn line from right to left (not completely to the left), circling the heading (which is on the left part of the container) and at the end pointing to a button. While using position absolute I can position it for a specific viewport, but ofcourse when this shift, the line isn't positioned correctly anymore (specially with using clamped spacing and fontsizes). I've created a codepen where you can see the idea. Im able to inject the svg as a before element to the button and pin it correctly that way, but for what I've read, I cannot animate the svg as a background in a before element. Would there be a GSAP way to SET the element or to inject the element by JavaScript in a correct size and then animate it? Regards Wouter
  3. Hi, I found a very nice testimonial slider on codepen which uses an old version of GSAP (TweenMax 1.19) and I'm trying to convert it to GSAP3 with MotionPath instead of bezier. The original is found here: https://codepen.io/NovamIT/pen/wvYBGPY The animations are working, but the Array shift isn't doing anything. In the orginal version a setTimout is being used to shift the testimonials array and restart the animation based on the timeout. I wanted to create a timeline with a repeat function and a repeatDelay. The array shift function i've set on the onRepeat callback property in the timeline. The delay and the repeat are working, but the callback not (It's firing, but not shifting visually). What am I doing wrong?
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