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Posts posted by baruch_pi

  1. Thank you @Cassie!! I love the simplicity of your approach. For my use case,  @GreenSock's approach is more scalable as the element's height might change depending on the content displayed inside the container.


    I achieved the desired outcome by using 100vh instead of 100%.

    y: calcTransform("y", "calc(100% - 100px)")

    Thank you both for your quick help! I sincerely appreciate it 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Fantastic, thank you for your advice. I will try out your solution.


    The element I want to push out of frame should behave like the 'Now playing screen' on Spotify or Apple Music. It holds a lot of information when extended, but when truncated, it lives at the bottom of the screen.


    I tried using a standard value like 95vh for y, but the element often gets cut off. Ideally, I want it to use a precise pixel value to have more control over the element's height.

  3. Hi everyone,


    I'm trying to animate out a page element and only keep 100px visible at the bottom of the screen. I tried using calc, but it doesn't work.. Any idea how I can achieve this animation?


    gsap.to(element, {
      y: "calc(100% - 100px)",
      duration: 1,
      ease: "power2.inOut"


    Screen Recording 2023-03-20 at 19.59.11.gif

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