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Levin Riegner

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Everything posted by Levin Riegner

  1. It seems i was missing the timing function at the very end: Old Code: tl.fromTo(parallaxImage7.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); New Code: tl.fromTo(parallaxImage7.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }, 0);
  2. When creating a timeline for parallax images on scroll, my images only animate on-by-one rather than all at the same time. This is my code: useLayoutEffect(() => { const ctx = gsap.context(() => { const tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { pin: true, trigger: main.current, start: 'bottom bottom', end: 'bottom top', scrub: 1, markers: true } }); tl.fromTo(parallaxImage1.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); tl.fromTo(parallaxImage2.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); tl.fromTo(parallaxImage3.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); tl.fromTo(parallaxImage4.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); tl.fromTo(parallaxImage5.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); tl.fromTo(parallaxImage6.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); tl.fromTo(parallaxImage7.current, { filter: 'blur(12px)', y: '100%' }, { filter: 'blur(0px)', y: '-100%' }); }, main); return () => ctx.revert(); }, []); What am I doing wrong?
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