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SDCO Development

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Everything posted by SDCO Development

  1. Well, I figured it out. I determined that my animation was only 0.51 seconds, so I solved it by recalculating the label positions: let position = (index / (variantBtns.length - 1)) * variantAnim.duration(); variantAnim.addLabel(`label${index}`, position); btn.addEventListener('click', (e, i) => { let index = Array.from(variantBtns).indexOf(e.target); gsap.to(window, { scrollTo: variantAnim.scrollTrigger.labelToScroll("label".concat(index)) }); console.log(index); });
  2. Hi there, I am really struggling to figure out why this isn't working.... and it's so close I do not want to give up on it. For some reason anytime I tween to 0.5 in the timeline it completely skips over it and goes to 1. This happens when I manually set the value to 0.5 - Even without Labels it refuses to work. I have 3 buttons, so I want them to trigger to 0, 0.5, and 1. Console logging the progress confirms this is where the 2nd button should go. However, it goes to 1 no matter what? Is it rounding up? Testing with 0, 0.33, 0.66 works but that is not the correct position. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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