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Everything posted by Justice

  1. Hi, so I've had this need as well and this is how I went about it: First, I created the observer using ScrollTrigger.observe({...}). Then immediately after, I disabled the observer, with observer.disable() Then I created a ScrollTrigger instance with start and end and pin set to true. Then onEnter and onEnterBack I enable the observer. The observer has preventDefault set to true, so, when it's enabled, normal scrolling is disabled. Then I have a condition for disabling the observer when the animation is done. I've pasted the necessary segments of the code here with comments in-between. I hope it helps. const animateOnScroll = (direction: -1 | 1) => () => { if (state.current.isAnimating) return let nextIndex = state.current.productIndex + direction if (nextIndex < Min || nextIndex > Max) { state.current.observer?.disable() // comment: this is where I disable the observer so user can resume normal scroll of the page, because if this condition meets, animation is done. return } state.current.isAnimating = true replayAnimation(wrap(nextIndex)) } const observer = ScrollTrigger.observe({ target: ref.current, type: "wheel,touch,scroll", wheelSpeed: -1, tolerance: 10, preventDefault: true, // set to true, to disable normal scroll, onUp: animateOnScroll(1), onDown: animateOnScroll(-1), }) observer.disable() state.current.observer = observer ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ref.current, start: () => "top " + getTop() + "px", end: "+=100px", scrub: 1, pin: true, // set to true so that scroll trigger pins the section while animation is on markers: false, animation: gsap.timeline().to(ref.current, { opacity: 1 }), toggleActions: "play none none reverse", onEnter: () => observer.enable(), onEnterBack: () => observer.enable(), })
  2. Yes! The batch() method is totally worth it. Many thanks GreenSock Team.
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