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    The Netherlands

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  1. Oh wow... Look at me ?. A great example of tunnel vision I guess. Thanks!
  2. Hey everyone! I would like to prevent the Scrolltrigger from playing each the time the window is resized; basically, I just want each heading to be played once and never again (except or a full page refresh). I'm aware that a normal tween might've been a better solution for what I'm trying to achieve, but I'm rolling with it for now. Rory
  3. @GreenSock You're amazing! I knew it was something simple; guess I should go back to watching some tutorials... ? Much appreciated.
  4. Hey everyone, I'm using an outline color to hide the surroundings of a div. Which works great on entrance but fails to revert to its original (transparent) state when top hits center. Please let me know if any more information needs to be provided. Thanks! Rory I've attached a horrible quality video due to the size limit. Code: gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); // scolling rows gsap.to(".cta_image-row-container", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#cta_section", start: "top center", end: "center center", markers: false, scrub: 4, // pin: ".main-wrapper", pinSpacing: true, anticipatePin: 1, //toggleActions: "play complete complete complete" }, x: 0, y:0, }); // outline fade in/out gsap.to("#test-1", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#cta_section", start: "center center", end: "top center", markers: true, pinSpacing: true, anticipatePin: 1, }, outlineColor: "rgba(5, 7, 27)", }); Sequence 01.mp4
  5. Hi @Rodrigo, thanks for the quick reply. I was referring to the header text animation being reactivated when scrolling up/down. I'll do my best to duplicate the issue in a minimal demo, but because of the massive amount of variables i was hoping for a couple of different settings I could configure to hope for a simple solution; probably not the cleanest solution but because a rather tight deadline I'm just hoping for the best Thanks!
  6. Hey everyone, I'm relatively new to GSAP so excuse me in advance for missing the obvious. This bug seen on the attached video appears on iPhone. The source I've used for this animation doesn't have this problem, so I'm guessing there is some interference with other code. Anyone else stumbled upon the same issue? Thanks in advance! WhatsApp Video 2022-12-20 at 15.35.25 (1).mp4
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