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  1. I see that you have managed to achieve it. Is it possible for me to get the old and new code to see what you have changed to make it work, as just switching wheelspeed didn't do it for me, as I am not using a separate scrolltrigger to enable Observer. Cheers!
  2. I saw that you can check Observer.isTouched, don't know if that's the most efficient way, but if it is, can I get an example of it in use?
  3. As you can see, when you scroll down with mouse, it works perfectly, but on touch you have to touch the opposite direction. Any idea how to make it when on mobile, or on touch to switch onUp and onDown?
  4. FrEZ

    ScrollTrigger error

    A Pen by George (codepen.io) The animations aren't the most precise, but the idea is that on codepen everything works fine. On my project it doesn't where it's all the same, except, as I said, I have multiple ScrollTrigger.observe and Observers. Could that be the issue? Didn't find a reason why it doesn't work but when I use ScrollTrigger.create it works.
  5. FrEZ

    ScrollTrigger error

    Could I get an actually working prototype of a scrolltrigger in action, so that I can test if it's from my animation? Though I don't get the error in the codepen, the aniamtion as a whole doesn't function. My scroller isn't the body, it's a custom element
  6. FrEZ

    ScrollTrigger error

    A Pen by George (codepen.io) The animations aren't the most precise, but the idea is that on codepen everything works fine. On my project it doesn't where it's all the same, except, as I said, I have multiple ScrollTrigger.observe and Observers. Could that be the issue?
  7. FrEZ

    ScrollTrigger error

    gsap.registerPlugin(Observer, ScrollTrigger, ScrollToPlugin); I do register the plugin, just forgot to include it in the code
  8. FrEZ

    ScrollTrigger error

    I do register the plugin, just forgot to include it in the code
  9. FrEZ

    ScrollTrigger error

    gsap-core.js:89 Invalid property scrollTrigger set to {trigger: div.fifth-wrap, start: 'top center', end: '+=400', scrub: true, markers: true}end: "+=400"markers: truescrub: truestart: "top center"trigger: div.fifth-wrap[[Prototype]]: Object Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin() When I console.log ScrollTrigger I get this ScrollTrigger2(vars, animation) { _coreInitted || ScrollTrigger2.register(gsap) || console.warn("Please gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger)"); this.init(vars, animation); Could the problem come from the fact I am using multiple scrolltriggers? let fifthWrapText = gsap.utils.toArray('.fifth-wrap') fifthWrapText.forEach((section) => { let title = section.querySelector(".business-title"); let text = section.querySelector(".business-general"); gsap .timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: section, start: "top center", end: "+=400", scrub: true, markers: true } }) .from(title, { opacity: 0, x: 500 }) .from(text, { xPercent: -120 }); });
  10. I want touch and scroll to not function when they are on a certain element. I tried using ignore and it worked for a div that covers the whole page, but not for the one I am using which covers half of it. Any idea how I can fix it? ScrollTrigger.observe({ target: window, ignore: startScreen || carousel, type: "wheel, touch", onUp: () =>mainFunc(index- 1), onDown: () =>mainFunc(index+ 1), });
  11. https://codepen.io/NikiKarai/pen/GRBGXeO?editors=1111 Need help with snapping to correct values at onStop, spinning correctly, as right now it spins out of control
  12. Any idea how to fix the navigation, as right now it spins to the correct value, but at the end changes to the last.
  13. Well, I managed to fix the snapping to go to correct values, but it still spins incorrectly.https://codepen.io/NikiKarai/pen/GRBGXeO
  14. Who can I contact that I can pay to finish this job for me? I am unable to do it myself.
  15. Do you think wrapping updating the snap to 1/images.length*2 and the wrap to -1 to 1 will do the desired job for the logic?
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