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Everything posted by tmusharraf

  1. Thanks the issue was with css and I fixed it. Thank you all.
  2. Hi, I have updated the code and fixed the previous error, but there are still some new issues. 1. The first issue is that I tried to make the elements responsive by setting the x value of gsap.set to a percentage, but it appears very small on mobile devices. You can view the code here: https://codepen.io/Tahir-Musharraf/pen/ExeGBgW 2. The second issue is related to image sizes. I am trying to set the first image on the left, the second on the right, and the fifth one in the center using the gsap.set function. However, the image size suddenly becomes very big when I do so. Here is the code: gsap.set(images, { width: "random(25, 35)" + "%", x: function(i, target) { if (i === 0) { return "0%"; } else if (i === 1) { return "50%"; } else if (i === 4) { return "25%"; } else { return "random(-10, 60)" + "%"; } } }); Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the help. Yes, I tried here minimal demo I removed the extra things: https://codepen.io/Tahir-Musharraf/pen/oNPJyGB?editors=1000 The issue is some images are overlapping and not working as expected. sometimes when I use webflow image URLs only the div doesn't move. This the minimal demo for GSAP working with some images: https://codepen.io/Tahir-Musharraf/pen/zYJyajv I failed to identify the problem, it's due to the number of images increasing or may be something else. Please have a look.
  4. Thanks for your help. I need to achieve the functionality of the when hovering on image show text below the image. that's why I'm using this HTML structure to only display the <div class="container"> <div class="wst-image-container"> <div class="wst-image-item-wrapper"> <a href=''><img loading="lazy" src="https://fastly.picsum.photos/id/866/200/300.jpg?hmac=rcadCENKh4rD6MAp6V_ma-AyWv641M4iiOpe1RyFHeI" alt="" class="wst-image-item"></a> </div> <div class="wst-img-overlay">overlay text</div> </div> </div> Can we make the images responsive using GSAP or we can do with CSS?
  5. [UPDATE] The code is the same but on my local files first div not working and sometimes some images stop and wait till all the animation is complete. but in the demo code version images stop and wait till all the animation is complete. --- Hello there. ( this problem is related to the old question: Now the problem is when I add image src's from the outside its only move the first div not all. I'm trying to achieve like the animation here: https://www.elite-designstudio.com/ . The old question solved my problem but when I added other required features like a stop on hover and show animations. I have to use the left property instead of the gsap.set() . as the scale property was not working. Also, I want the width of the images to be different as in the site, How I can do this? here is the demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/web-platform-7yxssv?file=index.html (I'm using it on Webflow so that's why I'm using it in a single file) Thanks
  6. Thanks, It simply solves my problem. I'm not using React for this project but can read React and successfully implement the code. Thank You!
  7. Thank you. I tried this function but still did not get what I try to achieve. At first, it was not working then I changed the class from class="wst_image_container"' to class="wst_image_container wst-moving-images" and remove the class from images. JS and HTML is updated. Here is new code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/web-platform-7qkkan?file=index.html Can you please help me to identify the problem? Thanks
  8. Hello everyone, I need some help achieving an animation similar to the one on this website: https://www.elite-designstudio.com/ on my home page. I have already created the layout with different images and applied GSAP. However, I am facing two issues. First, the images don't appear from the bottom after reaching the top, instead, they appear from their initial position. Second, all images are moving upward until the last image reaches the top, but I don't want that. I have tried using the ModifiersPlugin (https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/CorePlugins/ModifiersPlugin#:~:text=utility function%3A-,Carousel Wrap,-Have you ever) but I couldn't get it to work. Here is my demo code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/web-platform-7qkkan?file=index.html. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
  9. Thanks for the help @Cassie and @GreenSock. I solved it by using @Cassie and applying logic idea from the @GreenSock. Thank you GSAP team you are just amazing ❤️
  10. @GreenSock thanks Yes, I solved that issue now its working but they are not sync. can you please see what's the problem now? I think the problem is in the CSS or could be fixed by using the gsap.set(). I'm attaching a video so you can see the first issue was the issue on the top tight side of video: Error In Timeline Gsap-1.m4v
  11. Hello there, I'm creating a animation where text is moving from right side to left, text on reaching left (when not visible), it will again visible from the right side. I'm using react GSAP and I found GSAP helper function but it is not working as expected. Problems: There is gap between first span text and last span text. The second problem is the text starts from the visible area I can see the text is recreated which doesn't create smooth animation. Is GSAP is good for this type of animation or we can use Pure JS or CSS. Thank you. I created a minimal demo here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-nzzaz1?file=src/App.js This might help to visualize what I'm trying to achieve.
  12. Please check it: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-beah3w?file=src/App.js
  13. DEMO: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-beah3w?file=src/App.js Thank you. the problem is I'm not getting the way I want it to be. I shared a minimal demo. Hope you can check it and found what I'm doing wrong. Problems: On some screens space between first and third(last) is large. and they are not sync with background timeline. I try to run the function, but in the demo its even not working. I don't know why, the problem mentioned are above.. I simply want something like the website "https://www.banky.io/" the animation you see in the footer section. I know you might be busy, you can write the code others wise just give me the idea like do this and that I'll write code by myself. Or can I can use something else like CSS, pure JS, React.js etc. for this type of animation. Thanks
  14. I want to make this animation using GSAP or CSS, Please help me, how I can do it.
  15. Thanks for the reply, I try to create the minimal demo here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-basic-f48716-6tfu2d?file=src/App.js I want to a similar `Carousel Wrap` you'll see here at the end of the article: Now as you can see in demo there are two main problems: 1. When boxes reach 100% its doesn't stop and reappear from the left side, Instead they appear when first box reaches 100%, 2. When it reaches 0 you can see even I applied the CSS property of left: -50% to class moving_box Possible Solutions: I can imagine the solution but unable to achieve it. 1. By using the modifiers, we can reset the left to -50% whenever box reaches 100% so It will not pop-up suddenly instead create smooth animation? 2. we can use the 6 boxes instead of three so it will mimic the animation like: https://greensock.com/modifiersplugin/ Thanks
  16. Here is the code: https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-basic-f48716-ontwbj?file=src/style.css
  17. HERE is the CODE: https://stackblitz.com/edit/gsap-react-basic-f48716-ontwbj?file=src/App.js I want to create the carousel. Boxes move from left to right and when the left: 100% it should start from the left: -40% Here is my code: CSS: .moving_box{ position: absolute; left: -50%; } React: useLayoutEffect(() => { const ctx = gsap.context((self) => { var last_box_x_value = windowSize.innerWidth <= 424 ? "281%" : "200%"; gsap.set(".moving_box", { y: (i) => i == 2 ? last_box_x_value : "60px", left: (i) => i == 0 ? "0" : i == 1 ? "60%" : i == 2 ? "40%" : "" }); HowToSectionT1.current = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { repeat: -1, ease: "Linear.easeNone", align: "start" } }) .to(".box_1, .box_2, .box_3", { left: "+=100%", duration: 10, modifiers: { left: (x) => { // return x > 100 ? "-40%" : x + "%"; <- Problem is here return x; } } } ) }, HowToSectionRefContainer); // <- Scope! return () => ctx.revert(); // <- Cleanup! }, []); The Problem: The problem is when I try the this code the all the boxes move to right but not follow the modifier (when left is 100% go back to -40%). thanks
  18. Thank you, I was not using a ref for GSAP instance.
  19. Thanks for the reply, Actually I was using the useRef but still not able to achieve what I want to achieve. Below is my complete code. I hope you can see what's the real problem. Thanks export const HowToSection = () => { const [MovingBoxTimeLineAnim, setMovingBoxTimeLineAnim] = useState(true); let MovingBoxTimeLine = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { repeat: -1, ease: "none", } }) const howToSectionAnim = useRef(); useLayoutEffect(() => { let ctx = gsap.context(() => { gsap.set(".moving_box", { y: (i) => i == 2 ? "200%" : "60px", x: (i) => i == 0 ? "34px" : i == 1 ? "80vw" : i == 2 ? "50vw" : "" }); MovingBoxTimeLine.to(".moving_box", { x: "+=150vw", duration: 10, modifiers: { x: gsap.utils.unitize(x => parseFloat(x) % 150, 'vw') } } ) MovingBoxTimeLine.pause() }, howToSectionAnim); return () => ctx.revert(); // cleanup }, []); useEffect( () => { MovingBoxTimeLineAnim ? MovingBoxTimeLine.resume() : MovingBoxTimeLine.pause() }, [MovingBoxTimeLineAnim]) const StopAnimation = () => { console.log('stop') setMovingBoxTimeLineAnim(!MovingBoxTimeLineAnim) } const ResumeAnimation = () => { console.log('resume') setMovingBoxTimeLineAnim(!MovingBoxTimeLineAnim) }
  20. I'm working with GSAP and using the timeline. I'm updating the GSAP timeline pause or resume based on the useState. I created a env here please have a look at it. const [MovingBoxTimeLineAnim, setMovingBoxTimeLineAnim] = useState(true); let MovingBoxTimeLine = gsap.timeline({ ... }) useLayoutEffect(() => { let ctx = gsap.context(() => { gsap.set(".moving_box", { ... } MovingBoxTimeLine.to(".moving_box", {...}) MovingBoxTimeLine.pause() }, howToSectionAnim); return () => ctx.revert(); // cleanup }) // END OF: useLayoutEffect useEffect( () => { MovingBoxTimeLineAnim ? MovingBoxTimeLine.resume() : MovingBoxTimeLine.pause() }, [MovingBoxTimeLineAnim]) const StopAnimation = () => { console.log('stop') setMovingBoxTimeLineAnim(!MovingBoxTimeLineAnim) } const ResumeAnimation = () => { console.log('resume') setMovingBoxTimeLineAnim(!MovingBoxTimeLineAnim) } StopAnimation and ResumeAnimation called when clicked on a button
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