HERE is the CODE:
I want to create the carousel. Boxes move from left to right and when the left: 100% it should start from the left: -40%
Here is my code:
position: absolute;
left: -50%;
useLayoutEffect(() => {
const ctx = gsap.context((self) => {
var last_box_x_value = windowSize.innerWidth <= 424 ? "281%" : "200%";
gsap.set(".moving_box", {
y: (i) => i == 2 ? last_box_x_value : "60px",
left: (i) => i == 0 ? "0" : i == 1 ? "60%" : i == 2 ? "40%" : ""
HowToSectionT1.current = gsap.timeline({
defaults: {
repeat: -1,
ease: "Linear.easeNone",
align: "start"
.to(".box_1, .box_2, .box_3",
left: "+=100%",
duration: 10,
modifiers: {
left: (x) => {
// return x > 100 ? "-40%" : x + "%"; <- Problem is here
return x;
}, HowToSectionRefContainer); // <- Scope!
return () => ctx.revert(); // <- Cleanup!
}, []);
The Problem:
The problem is when I try the this code the all the boxes move to right but not follow the modifier (when left is 100% go back to -40%). thanks