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Posts posted by Louienator

  1. Hi Jack,


    Yes.. this is what i meant.. Been confused with the 'start' and 'end' setting.. Now i know, that you can add multiple class in querySelectorAll method.. thank you so much for this and simplified my code.. thanks a lot!

    And by the way, do you have a link for a documentation or explanation with regards to this code "gsap.utils.toArray"

  2. Hi.. Got another question but this time it's different.. Is there a way that i can incorporate GSAP and intersecting observer? i'm just basing from an example i saw on forums and tried it out.. but i'm confuse on why it didn't work..  Apologies for being noob..


    What i wanna achieve is that, when ever the user scrolls, it will show the next item and animate...

    Here's the fiddle:


  3. 3 minutes ago, mvaneijgen said:

    No need to apologize, but missing the fundamentals, will result in getting stuck a lot. That's why getting in some basic Javascript knowledge can go a long way!

    And 1 more thing, with regards to CSSRulePlugin, as Jack said earlier that the CSSRulePlugin is still in the version 3, the code couldn't find my pseudo element.. this is just a sample but if you can see the error i'm referring to regarding the CSSRulePlugin.. i've imported the CSSRulePlugin


  4. 1 minute ago, mvaneijgen said:

    Same issue as before, you have to scope your selectors to the current element you're targeting. If I where you I would do a basic course on Javascript, just go on YouTube and watch a few tutorials.



    I'm studying jquery as of the moment on udemy try to tinker on gsap coz' i found the animations fascinating.. That's why i quickly dived in.. apologies for that..

  5. 2 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    CSSRulePlugin is still in GSAP 3. In the vast majority of cases, though, it's just not needed - it's better/cleaner to just use CSS variables instead, as the docs indicate. 

    Because what i've seen in the docs that mvaneijgen gave was "deprecated".. And i've been getting an error of 

    "GSAP target not found https://greensock.com" and "GSAP target undefine not found, https://greensock.com"

  6. hi @mvaneijgen, i've migrated my code to gsap 3 and i'm confused still when i hover the first item, all 4 items will animate.. what i want is that each box will just animate when each of them is hovered. is it ok to ask for a sample? thank you so much. apologies for being a slow learner.


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