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  1. Hi @mvaneijgen, is it also applicable if the background image changes every time you hover over an item? Here is an example fiddle, but I cannot make it dynamic using PHP, just like the dataset. https://jsfiddle.net/zxpnyj95/37/ Thank you so much,
  2. Hi @mvaneijgen, I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly, but the items just stack up instead of showing in the same position and interchanging one by one. Here's my fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/zmv3gfcj/147/ Thank you @mvaneijgen
  3. Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to make the preloader dependent on the internet speed. Alternatively, is it possible to preload the image and JS components while they are still loading, and then display the contents afterward? Also, I'd like the bar to grow horizontally from the center. Once everything is loaded, I want everything to fade out. Here's an example of an intro from this website where the text slides 1 by 1 vertically: https://priyanshsingara.framer.website/ Here's my fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/5f1ock0w/1/ Cheers, Louie V.
  4. Hi @mvaneijgen, thanks for your assistance. I have dissected your code line by line, and I now understand each block. I had planned to use jQuery to combine the PHP code. Thank you so much.
  5. Hi everyone, Let me clarify what I'm trying to accomplish. I want a button that, upon being clicked, will smoothly scroll to a specific section on the page. To achieve this, I need the ID to be dynamic and outputted through the use of get_the_title(). In the code, there's a line that reads "<section class="screen" id="cebu">Cebu</section>". This line will be looped using PHP, or maybe just the ID will be used to make it unique. To target this specific line, I added the GSAP code. Here's the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/kwuthpbm/29/
  6. Hi, I need help finding an online platform to run my PHP code for WordPress. I want the scrollTo ID to be dynamic and point to the exact targeted ID. Here's my code https://jsfiddle.net/ycm3abhn/
  7. Hi, i'm creating a toggle button where it'll show the menu items when the button is clicked. But the problem is that when you click it again, menu items will not appear anymore. Here's my fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/x78h0bt6/157/
  8. Nice approach @PointC.. Thanks for this tip.. Will try this out and have an experiment.. I didn't know that it's achievable with just pure css.. Yey! Thanks
  9. Hi @Rodrigo, I think i got it. but the problem is that, whenever i hover back, the animation is not playing back. here's my fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/hus6jbtf/50/
  10. hi @Rodrigo, Thank you for this. i've followed your solution and, my animation didn't animate again when my cursor goes back to the text https://jsfiddle.net/0uqhdwpb/52/
  11. Hi, here's a demo of my code, where when you hover the text a line will expand from left to right.. now the i want the line where the mouseleave method will fire, the line will contract to width 0% from left to right again. and also the animation will repeat once the mouseenter method will trigger or once the text will be hovered. https://jsfiddle.net/0uqhdwpb/31/
  12. Hi here's my code on what i want to achieve.. https://jsfiddle.net/b12w4dkL/76/
  13. hi @mvaneijgen, Good day.. I'm trying to achieve the change text color effect when hovering on the button. Are these correct? fundRaiserColor.to(this.querySelector('.ta-fundraiser__button'), 0.6, { css: { background: '#1DBDC7', color: 'white' }, ease: 'expo.out' }); Thank you so much.. apologies for not putting it to fiddle though.
  14. Hey @mvaneijgen, Happy New Year Me again.. Is there a way to have a multiple button with different animation that's been wrap with 1 each method because they have just the same parent class. Or refactor this or is there any approach to make my code efficient? thanks https://jsfiddle.net/z9eLdvgh/20/
  15. Hi, good day. Is this possible in GSAP where we could use a scroll to or is there a gsap plugin scroll to? and is there something i miss on my code? Here's a demo: https://jsfiddle.net/hbwLetf8/22/ Thank you so much
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