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  1. @Rodrigo, thanks a lot for your help, I fixed it in the end. The initial problem I had (the one that crashed the site) had to do with Next.js's ISR. And I managed to reveal the nav by using React context. I just had to be very careful because the component re-rendered midway unless I isolated the ref that was responsible for the tween. A bit tedious, but it worked out! This is the website: edubarcelo.com
  2. Thanks a lot @GSAP Helper, I think I might have been making a mistake of putting canvasRef as a dependency of my useLayoutEffect, and that might have been breaking things. Here's my stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nextjs-jadegt?file=components%2FAnimatedSequence%2FAnimatedSequence.js I still have a doubt of how to handle one thing. My timeline should do this: 1) Animate image sequence 2) Reveal navigation 3) Animate red images The problem I have is with 2). I need to tween a DOM element which is not inside the context of my timeline. So how should I do this? I hope you can understand what I mean. Otherwise I can clarify.
  3. I'm creating a website in Next.js and in the homepage I have a scrollTriggered and scrubbed timeline. The animation consists of two parts: 1) An image sequence, which I've done with the help of the codepen at the end https://codepen.io/osublake/pen/VwaKMpw/2152a28cffe2c2c0cca8a3e47f7b21c6 2) Simple tweens fading and zooming images This is a snippet of what the animation does: The animation works. I've deployed it to Netlify and it seems ok. The thing is, though, that every once in a while, the homepage crashes. And what it shows is a weird DOM: When I disable the animation I never get this weird DOM. Now, I'm not sure if the deployment is to blame or my gsap code is. So I'd like to ask you if you could take a look at my code and see if I'm doing something obviously wrong. Thank you so much! "use client"; import { useRef, useLayoutEffect, useContext } from "react"; import { gsap } from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/ScrollTrigger"; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); import NextImage from "next/image"; import { useRouter } from "next/navigation"; import { MenuContext } from "@/Providers/MenuProvider"; import styles from "./AnimatedSequence.module.css"; const AnimatedSequence = ({ projectImages }) => { const router = useRouter(); const canvasRef = useRef(null); const animation = useRef(null); const { setHeaderAndMenuHidden } = useContext(MenuContext); useLayoutEffect(() => { setHeaderAndMenuHidden(true); // Here's the canvas that will hold the image sequence const canvas = canvasRef.current; const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = 3024; canvas.height = 1983; const frameCount = 18; const currentFrame = (index) => `imageSequence/frame_${index.toString().padStart(2, "0")}.jpg`; const images = []; const crack = { frame: 0, }; for (let i = 0; i < frameCount; i++) { const img = new Image(); img.src = currentFrame(i); images.push(img); } function render() { context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); context.drawImage(images[crack.frame], 0, 0); } images[0].onload = render; let ctx = gsap.context(() => { let tl = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".wrapper", scrub: true, pin: true, // markers: true, start: "top top", end: "+=200%", onEnter: () => { gsap.fromTo(".bg", { autoAlpha: 1 }, { autoAlpha: 0, duration: 1, delay: 0.2 }); }, onLeave: () => { router.push("/projects"); }, }, }); //Here's the tween that animates the sequence tl.to( crack, { frame: frameCount - 1, snap: "frame", ease: "none", duration: 9, onUpdate: render, onComplete: () => setHeaderAndMenuHidden(false), }, "crack" ); //This tween fades the canvas to reveal what's underneath tl.to(canvas, { opacity: 0, duration: 1, onReverseComplete: () => setHeaderAndMenuHidden(true) }, ">"); // Here's the tweens fading the images projectImages.forEach((image, i) => { tl.fromTo( `.image-${i}`, { autoAlpha: 0, scale: 0.3 }, { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1.25, duration: 9, }, ">" ); tl.to(`.image-${i}`, { autoAlpha: 0, duration: 1 }, ">"); }); tl.to(".scrollDown", { autoAlpha: 0, duration: 1 }, "crack+=1"); }, animation); return () => ctx.revert(); // cleanup }, [canvasRef]); return ( <div ref={animation}> <div className={`wrapper ${styles.wrapper}`}> <div> <NextImage className={`scrollDown ${styles.scrollDown}`} src="/scrollDown.svg" width={108} height={99} alt="" /> <canvas ref={canvasRef} className={`canvas ${styles.canvas}`} /> </div> <div className={`bg ${styles.bg}`}></div> {projectImages.map((image, i) => ( <NextImage key={image.file.url} className={`${styles.image} image-${i}`} src={image.file.url} width={image.file.width} height={image.file.height} alt="" /> ))} </div> </div> ); }; export default AnimatedSequence;
  4. A funny anecdote is that a few years ago I kept the memory of your website as the "developer who had a nice animated logo and she made a tutorial about it", but I forgot your name so I couldn't find it. And then sometime later you popped up on GSAP tutorials and it was a nice way to find you again. Your videos are great!
  5. That was a nice read. I think it deserved a reply: thank you! Lately I've mostly been working with React, and there's a big temptation to switch to something like Framer Motion, which is built for such frameworks. But this afternoon I was trying to accomplish something with both libraries to see which one would get me there faster. I definitely appreciate your great tutorials that are so clear and easy to digest, thanks to them I managed to achieve my goal much faster. Your great learning materials and the forums make a big difference when deciding to pick an animation library. Again, just wanted to say thanks!
  6. Thanks for your help, Jack. And you are right, it is an unnecessarily unintuitive solution.
  7. Hi, I'm new to the forums and I created this codepen to show what I'm trying to achieve: https://codepen.io/marnau/pen/PoewRRO I used some of the code from Cassie's introduction to Observer to make this sections that move when we scroll down and up (.swipe-section). But when we get to the middle section (.scroll), I would like Observer to disable and allow for normal vertical scrolling. And in the last two sections it should go back to Observer action. I hope I made myself clear. I don't know how I should go about disabling and re-enabling Observer properly. And I'm also having trouble because I have to make the middle section position:relative but then the scrollbar starts progressing at the beginning of the page. I hope someone can point me in the correct direction. Thanks.
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