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Everything posted by kakarlus

  1. Hi Jack, it's gotten worse when i updated the Draggable from 0.15.1 to 0.16.2. for the newer version; if i scroll down the page, the carousel goes one carousel item back. Unfortunately i can't share the test link publicly. Regards, Carlos
  2. Hello, I'm having problems scrolling vertically on mobile because of a carousel made from a Draggable. Can the draggable totally ignore 'y' drags for the page to scroll normally? Regards, Carlos
  3. Hello Guys, Seems impossible but i don't want to populate my html file with a lot of svg elements :/ I am referencing my svg files using this code so i won't see a lot in my .html file. <img src="mySVG.svg" id="mySVG" /> Would it be possible to animate the objects inside that svg file? Regards, Carlos
  4. #1 is a very clever solution PointC salute!
  5. Hello PointC, i was hoping to achieve something like this http://codepen.io/kakarlus/pen/rLEvAB?editors=1010 the outer radius grows outside while the inside radius remains put, or at least not budge a lot regards, Carlos
  6. Hello Carl & PointC oh ok i get it now thank you any work around for this? Regards, Carlos
  7. Hi GSAP, I'm trying to animate a circle svg to have a thicker stroke grow outside while using drawSVG and playing with the radius. After animation the drawSVG is not working as expected, instead, it drew an arc less than 50% of the circle svg: <circle fill="none" id="lingin" stroke="#444444" stroke-width="0" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="150" cy="125" r="100"/> js: TweenMax.to('#lingin', 3, {strokeWidth: 40, attr: {r: 120}, drawSVG: '0% 50%'}); Regards, Carlos
  8. Hello GS, I have an stroke arc from 12o'clock to 6o'clock, when i tried animating it on using drawSVG plugin, it runs from 12o'clock to 6'oclock (ccw). Is there a way to reverse it to run from 6o'clock to 12o'clock? Regards, Carlos
  9. i get it now, but still working on the algorithm. thanks a lot OSUblake
  10. I thought the onUpdate updates according to the ease. 0 1 | | | | || (i was expecting this) |||||||||||||||||||||||||| (when it was really like this)
  11. Hello OSUblake, Here's what's closer to what i wanted to achieve and i thought ScrambleTextPlugin would've done the job http://codepen.io/anon/pen/YwqKOM I still want the end part of the animation to easeOut and go slower as it nears the target number. Regards, Carlos
  12. Hello GSAP, is there any way that i can ease the revealDelay per character in my element? let's say if i have '39485', characters from the left will reveal faster than the characters on the right. regards, Carlos
  13. i see, it makes sense. poor algorithm sorry thanks both
  14. Hello, I have this SplitText on my text which is a link basically. Sadly it triggers multiple times. Any help is appreciated. $(".info a").on({ mouseenter: function(e) { trace("mouseover"); e.preventDefault(); var tl = new TimelineMax, mySplitText = new SplitText($(this), {type:"chars"}), chars = mySplitText.chars; tl.staggerFromTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, {color:"#e6aa06"}, 0.03); tl.staggerTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, 0.03); }, mouseleave: function(e) { trace("mouseout"); e.preventDefault(); var tl = new TimelineMax, mySplitText = new SplitText($(this), {type:"chars"}), chars = mySplitText.chars; tl.staggerFromTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, {color:"#e6aa06"}, 0.03); tl.staggerTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, 0.03); } }); thanks, Carlos
  15. here's the codepen url http://codepen.io/anon/pen/CjeIw if you'll try to comment the entire js, you'll see the font-family & line-breaking are correct.
  16. Hello GSAP, Why do you lose font treatment (font styles, line breaking, ...) when i do splittext to you with this kind of html code <div class="section-desc"> <h2>My Line 1</h2> <p class="l2">My Line 2</p> <p class="l3">My Line 3</p> </div> Thanks, Carlos
  17. id suggest you use 2 images, 1 blurred and 1 that's not blurred. as the car is coming from the left use the blurred car, and once it reaches its destination quickly fadeout the blurred car and show the car that is not blurred.
  18. i keep getting TimelineLite error: the _label_ label was not found.
  19. var duration = 0.65; var tl = new TimelineLite({onComplete: function(){ tl.reverse(); }}); tl.addLabel(labels[0], 0); tl.appendMultiple([new TweenLite(help, duration, { _alpha: 0, delay: 3 }), new TweenLite(year, duration, { _alpha: 100, delay: 3 }) ]); tl.addLabel(labels[1], duration*1); // first stop tl.appendMultiple([new TweenLite(dragger, duration, { _x : getXFor(arr[1]), ease: Strong.easeOut }), new TweenLite(year, duration, { _x : getXFor(arr[1]), ease: Strong.easeOut }) ]); tl.addLabel(labels[2], duration*2); // 2nd stop tl.appendMultiple([new TweenLite(dragger, duration, { _x : getXFor(arr[2]), ease: Strong.easeOut }), new TweenLite(year, duration, { _x : getXFor(arr[2]), ease: Strong.easeOut }) ]); tl.addLabel(labels[3], duration*3); // 3rd stop tl.appendMultiple([new TweenLite(dragger, 0.5, { _x : getXFor(arr[3]), ease: Strong.easeOut }), new TweenLite(year, 0.5, { _x : getXFor(arr[3]), ease: Strong.easeOut }) ]); hi guys, im having a problem with tl.gotoAndPlay(label[0]). is there something im doing wrong here? thanks, Carlos
  20. hi Jack, I think they are semi transparent pixels since i tweened the image alpha from 0 to 1. Anyway, I used the ColorMatrixFilterPlugin for now and its almost as pretty as the ColorTransform effect thanks, Carlos
  21. im getting weird black 1px border around my images when i do colorTransform, here's the ss // and the code var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(e.target.content);//loader.content); image.smoothing=true; image.x = image.y = -21; if(image.width > 42) { image.width = image.height = 42; } addChild(image); image.alpha = 0; TweenMax.to(image, 0, {colorTransform:{exposure:1.8}}); TweenMax.to(image, 1, {alpha: 1}); TweenMax.to(image, 1, {colorTransform:{exposure:1}, delay: 1});
  22. hi guys, i have a lot of animation in around 5-7 views, my problem is that i can't pinpoint where the tweenmax error ocurs. do you have any tips such that it displays in which class (my class) does the error ocur. any help will be appreciated. TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert global@10a1af01 to flash.display.DisplayObject. at MethodInfo-3637() at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply() at com.greensock.core::TweenCore/complete() at com.greensock::TweenMax/complete() at com.greensock::TweenMax/renderTime() at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/renderTime() at com.greensock::TweenLite$/updateAll() thanks, carlos
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