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Tony Song

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Posts posted by Tony Song

  1. 2 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    I read your question a few times, @Tony Song, but I don't understand what you're asking. Can you please be more specific?  Is there a GSAP-specific question you have?


    You might want to look into CustomEase. 

    Hi GreenSock

    sorry if i'm not clear enough


    the pink ball jumping animation is not curvy.

    let me draw the example:



    And the one I want to achieve is the curvy jumping path, like real jumping ball:


    Hope I elaborate my question

  2. Hi GreenSock devs,

    I wonder how to simulate jumping from the left to right, not just up-down.

    I achieve it using MotionPath plugin, but seems like it's not jumping in curve/curly, but like moving 1 point to 1 point. 

    Could anyone please help with this? thanks in advance!





    See the Pen RwMwBJP by tonywei (@tonywei) on CodePen

  3. 11 hours ago, GreenSock said:

    It depends what you mean by "scroll" :)


    You can certainly control the speed of the horizontal movement by using strategically placed eases or alter the proportion of the durations in the horizontal movement. It's not a super simple thing to pull off, but it's possible. 


    If you literally want to make the browser's scrollbar move at a different rate of speed at various spots, that's far more problematic. In my opinion, it's a terrible idea UX-wise, but it's feasible using some custom code with something like Observer plugin. 

    Hi GreenSock,

    Thanks for taking time to answer my question.

    I think I will explore another UX which easier to implement.


    Have a good day!

  4. We need to slow down a scroll speed at certain sections, because we highly recommend the user to stop a while read a text and press a button. I'm curious is it possible? because I can't find an example for this problem yet.



    alternatively if we can block the user from scroll at certain section, it would be a better solution, but I just wonder if it possible, but I can't image if it's possible.


    Thanks and regards,



    See the Pen rNdNjGr by tonywei (@tonywei) on CodePen

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