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Everything posted by Raybi

  1. Hello, I'm new to GSAP. I was trying scrolltrigger in a NextJS project but I noticed that gsap.utils.selector(someRef) ... useEffect(() => { gsap.to(someRef('.s1'), { duration: 1, x: 800, scrollTrigger: someRef('.s2'), }); }); ... not working as it should (I guess). Here is the code I was working on. If I use the gsap.utils.selector() then the animation of .s1 is triggering whenever the .s1 is coming inside the viewport but if I use this then the animation of .s1 is triggering when .s2 comes into the viewport as it should. Please help. gsap.utils.selector(someRef) ... useEffect(() => { gsap.to('.s1', { duration: 1, x: 800, scrollTrigger: '.s2', }); }); ... Here is the original code that I was working on import gsap from 'gsap'; import ScrollTrigger from 'gsap/dist/ScrollTrigger'; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); export default function Home() { const containerRef = useRef(); const container = gsap.utils.selector(containerRef); const test = useRef(); useEffect(() => { gsap.to(container('.s1'), { duration: 1, x: 800, scrollTrigger: container('.s2'), }); }); return ( <> <div ref={containerRef} className='container-wrapper'> <div className='hero section'></div> <div className='about section'> <div className='s1'></div> <div className='s2'></div> </div> <div className='skills section'></div> </div> <style jsx>{` .section { height: 100vh; width: 100%; } .hero { background-color: red; } .about { background-color: green; } .skills { background-color: blue; } .s1 { width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: white; } .s2 { margin-top: 400px; width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: black; } `}</style> </> ); }
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