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Posts posted by Xenex122

  1. 38 minutes ago, mea_culpa said:

    I want to move 4 arrows to span, with '.target' class (in attached screenshot is my goal). Im using VW units, bcs I need it responsive proof on 1280px+ screens. Using some native features like getBoundingClientRect it is a bit crooked, and while changing window size it gets even worse (or maybe it is only while inspecting). Is there any other way like adding 'relative' css property to another parent on load with GSAP, or something like this? Or maybe someone has any other ideas to achieve this?
    Thanks in advance!


    If you mean centering the compromise of your target you should do it in this way


    const span = document.querySelector('.target');
    var rect = span.getBoundingClientRect();
    var rectParent = span.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect()
    const offsetLeft = rect.left - rectParent.left - 10;
    const offsetRight = rect.right - rectParent.left - 5;
    const offsetTop = rect.top - rectParent.top;
    const offsetBottom = rect.top - rectParent.top + rect.height;

    This now will center your responsive target...where did I get the '-10' and '-5'? it based on your arrows and borders.

    Just copy this and change it or see for my codepen 

    See the Pen RwQeWmV by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Cassie said:

    Which bit - the header text animation with the outlines or the staggering effect further down the page? If you're wanting to do the staggering that's going to look really awkward without smooth scroll. When people use mousewheel without smoothing the velocity will jump.


    I'd just suggest using ScrollSmoother to be honest.

    I see but..onUpdate function there is a lot of self  function call right like? rather than self.getVelocity() is there anything related on it? I don't find anything here in the docs or other things that can be used in self.function callbacks. ???

  3. @Cassie I'm almost close to it but there is something wrong here..Instead of the stroke-text should be the one moving..The main text is the one moving..Look at this 

    Do I have something to add here ? or what?

    let Velocity = gsap.quickTo(layer,"y")

    Update Its kinda work fine for me now 


     onUpdate: self => {
                                // const velocity = velocity*2
                                // console.log(velocity*2)
                                velocity = (self.getVelocity() / -25) * speed

    this works fine now @Cassie thanks.

    • Like 1
  4. Oh I see I've updated it now but I can't pass my const "velocity" inside of it. I want to increase the amount of "velocity" not the getVelocity() that you are talking about. I've updated it in the below of scrub 


    onUpdate: self => {
                                  const velocity = velocity*2

    See the Pen MWQPgOo?editors=1111 by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

    and it giving an error in console like 


    Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'velocity' before initialization

    EDIT: I also try getVelocity but I can't pass it to the "velocity" const. 


    velocity = self.getVelocity()

    EDIT 2:

    Oh nevermind I should put it as "let velocity" not "const velocity" my bad..don't mind me I got it.

  5. My explanation is same as the title...Can I increase my data-motion whenever I'm scrolling down in the screen and also get its new value of "motion" as it keeps scrolling up or down 

                            scrub: function s(e) {
                                velocity = velocity * 2
    //                           This doesnt console.log the velocity.
                                return speed/2

    You can see it here in the javascript part..the scrub is working though but I can't console.log out the velocity or change the data-motion to "velocity".. What I mean here while I'm scrolling I'm supposed to get some value in the console either scrolling Up or Down.

    See the Pen MWQPgOo by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

  6. 1 hour ago, GreenSock said:

    Sorry, I don't understand your question. 


    Please read the docs if you want to understand in more detail what .quickTo() is: https://greensock.com/docs/v3/GSAP/gsap.quickTo()


    It is **NOT** a replacement for gsap.to(). Very different purposes and method signature. 


    Why are you trying to change it to to() in the first place? 

    From the earlier question sir.. How do I do it if its inside the box or something? 

    I have a new codepen here that can you make clarify on it.

    See the Pen xxYaNGp by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

    As you see I change a bit the "x,y" with a 

    var rect = box.getBoundingClientRect()            
    const x_ = e.clientX - rect.x;
    const y_ = e.clientY - rect.y;
    let yDif = y_,
    xDif = x_

    because the arrow is not following the mouse direction in your earlier code cause it only works in a parentDiv...but my function here is almostly work but there is something wrong where it doesn't fully rotate on the top left side of the arrow. Can you notice my mistake her sir? 

    I believe the missing thing here must be something in 


    if (Math.abs(xDif) > 3 || Math.abs(yDif) > 3) {
                    x = x_;
                    y = y_;
                    // This one will rotate the '.rotate' while the cursor is moving
                    // _short is used for make rotation is n right rotation.
                    rotateTween.vars.rotation = (Math.atan2(yDif, xDif) * RAD2DEG - 40) + "_short";
                    // This one will restart the method rotation so it can rotate again once the mouse
                    // is move


  7. My problem here is I don't know how can I make the arrow follow as the direction of mouse as I passed it through my root variable. Any idea how can I achieve this?  It just keeps rotating and rotating when I'm trying to move it around the screen. 

    Example if it goes like 30deg of the direction of the mouse then it the arrow should be there also. since it has 360deg I don't know how to do it and pass it in global variable.

    See the Pen XWZPOoY by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

  8. uh @SteveS how can I do it if there is a body like this 

    body {

    CAuse I want to center it but it the animation clipper is just teleporting suddenly when I try to hover the image.


    See the Pen eYVLJYm by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

    I also updated the javascript you do..instead of e.target.BoudingClientRect() I did something like this cause I want to avoid bugs 

    overlap.addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {
      var rect = overlap.getBoundingClientRect()
      gsap.set(clipper, {
        width: rect.width - (rect.width - e.clientX)

    But now the only problem is when I center it or relocate it in any position of my screen..It does have kinda have a bug.

    When it is in the large screen it just teleported to right but if its small its seems normal.


    Nevermind I already got my answer. Thanks buddy!!!

  9. I know this is unrelated to gsap but I feel people a lot know of javascript here so I hope you guys can help. The following idea that I tried is this

    As you can see in my title it means the screen is half split..I was almost close to it...But I can't achieve the "width" and the "left" maybe in this around of the field. 

    This is the my own understand of it. It shouldn't collapse and it must only in the center of screen...as same the original of idea of codepen 

    See the Pen gOvdaLm by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

    I know this is unrelated in gsap but since there is a lot of advance animator here and stackoverflow can't help me through this so I hope someone can get me through this.

    See the Pen bWKMoK by tutsplus (@tutsplus) on CodePen

  10. I've got an issue with a one file. So basically I have separated files for able to call the file The issue I am getting is something like this Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.

    You can see it in here in the line of

                {NAME == "Spy" ? <> 
                </> : <></>}
                {NAME == "Slime" ? <> 
                </> : <></>}
                {NAME == "Darling" ? <> 
                </> : <></>}
                {NAME == "Onepiece" ? <> 
                </> : <></>}
                {NAME == "redo" ? <> 
                </> : <></>}
                {NAME == "dragon" ? <> 
                </> : <></>}
                {NAME == "naruto" ? <> 
                </> : <></>}

    The part in Healer is where I am getting the error.

    So in this part I will show my CODESANDBOX https://codesandbox.io/s/cool-robinson-ep6oj4?file=/src/index.js to briefly explain it.

    I'll try to make it shorter. So basically go in the Introduction.jsx and the first code snippet you can find it in the code 205 lines If you try to choose/click other options you can clearly tell that nothings happening except the Healer.jsx ( after clicking this option try to click again the navbar button) file and I don't know why it is like that.

    When you try to remove/comment out the whole useEffect() function of the Healer.jsx it can shows that nothing error will happen.

    The navbar options button is at the top right side of screen. I can't show the full codes but I can only show the parts. Anyone can help me here? I don't understand why it giving me an error even though the codes is quite clear for me.

    UPDATE : Anyway I find the issue that the pin make this causes..If I set it true, it will affect the DOM Node but if not nothings will happen.

  11. Nevermind I already got the solution 

    const back = document.querySelector('.back')
    const all = document.querySelectorAll('.items')
    const list = [
    var timeline = gsap.timeline({
            start:"top top",
            end:"center top",
            end:() => `${back.clientHeight*10}px`,
            toggleActions:"play reverse play reverse"
    all.forEach((elem,i) => {
        // console.log(list[i].x,list[i].y)

    Just put the thing like this and remove the for loop in the SCSS just copy my own list.

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  12. So basically the problem here is simple but I don't know how to it..Basically like this...Every box is on the center and as I scroll down they will be separated each other as I keep scrolling down.. The sample idea is in my codepen..As they were separated..but I want them to be in center and go there specific locations as I scroll-down. How can I achieve this? Thanks for the help.

    See the Pen abqjmBw by myth-vince (@myth-vince) on CodePen

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