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  1. Many thanks ! You're right in both. I was thinking that everything was played but then I realized that it was playing until certain point... so it was a concept problem about the layout and the markup + css. Here is the demo where it works as it should https://codepen.io/alvarindev/pen/QWVzwdq In my case also I had some elements above the ".scroll-controls" that after some time I hidde by using display:none. Also I'm using scrollTrigger.refresh() when I do that. THX
  2. Hello ! After a lot of time using GSAP I don't really understand why this is happening. It is a very simple use case. First I create the Master timeline that is fired by ScrollTrigger this.master = new GSAP.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".scroll-controls", start: "top top", end: "bottom bottom", scrub: 1, immediateRender: false, }, }); then I add some tweens and finally I build the master timeline cuadro0() { let tl = new GSAP.timeline({ immediateRender: false, }); tl.fromTo(this.camera.position, { x: -5.9 }, { x: -4.1, z: 4.7 }).to( this.camera.rotation, { y: -3, } ); return tl; } buildMaster() { this.master.add(this.pasillo0()); this.master.add(this.cuadro0()); } The expected behaviour is to wait to reach the ScrollTrigger section to play the timeline but the reality is that everything is played on page load... what is happening? I tried many approach like pausing it, disabling it... but no way ?
  3. Hello! Thanks for your fast reply I tried to replicate the error but I can't! sometimes it appears in the console and sometimes not. The thing is that I feel estrange behaviour when using a ? element. I will try to reshape the code giving correct display property find attached a screenshot of the console Edit: Also a pic of the bug I got! the animation is working fine in full viewport height but when resizing I got this It seems that the start mark moves relatively with the size of the viewport but why?
  4. Hello ! I'm new with ScrollTrigger and I don't understand why this is happening. Apart of the error in console o.call is not a function (chrome & safari) the triggered section is not working expected. Maybe I'm doing a mistake using .to or .from ? Thanks you
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