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Posts posted by grizhlie

  1. 56 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

    Historically, we've put a huge priority on consistency and ease of use.

    This was worth responding to on its own. Ease of use is key in my view.


    I currently have a very 'elegant' (to me) stack. I use SvelteKit, Tailwind, GSAP. I then add Storyblok for a headless CMS. I have made a system with Storyblok/SvelteKit that I can use in every project, and guess what - it includes gsap hehe. EVERYTHING JUST FLOWS ❤️.

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, GreenSock said:

    I know it's easy for other newer libraries to tout small file size as a benefit to try to appear "better" than GSAP. And I have nothing against any of the other libraries in particular - use them if you like, but beware of the tradeoffs because they'll rarely mention them and we try not to talk too much about them because we don't want to seem like we're insulting the hard work of other library authors. 


    Nice response! 


    I wholeheartedly agree to be honest. I was just curious about your thoughts/plans on the matter. I looked at the video of Motion One and quickly saw little point. I'd need to relearn another tool and the only benefit was, as you said, a few ms of gains? No clue why that's important. I didn't know about caching to be honest, so good job on explaining that bit. I'll check the article you shared, sounds like I'll learn something.

    Overall I didn't think Motion One looked better than GSAP. I was actually underwhelmed when someone explained to me that the key FEATURE was the size and modularity. But as you said, to do some things i do in GSAP id need to import a ton of things. 


    Currently I mostly use `{gsap, ScrollTrigger}` and that's mostly it. I mostly do simple animations as I dislike too much motion in any given thing, but GSAP is perfect for that.


    https://www.seerstudio.co.uk & https://seerstudio.co.uk/service are the main pages of my recent website. GSAP made animating this stuff painless. 



    Thanks for explaining your thoughts, always nice to have a seasoned developer share their thoughts on a topic. I'm mostly a frontend focused person so I lack exposure to this sort of stuff, I appreciate it. 


    And you're welcome, we all need to 'blabber' about things that we've been pondering on for days/weeks/months!

    Ciao :) 

    • Like 1
  3. @GreenSock All good from my perspective! I also blamed Safari and I don't see how you could tame that beast. Just reading "many hundreds of hours" makes me shiver with pain. In some ways I think of safari as a sort of pain like explorer was. Nothing quite so exact of course, but still painful in some cases to work with, this being one of them I guess!


    Only suggestion is a question: Do you have any future plans to make GSAP more modular than it is currently, hence reducing its size?


    I'm only asking because I saw a video about motion one, which is essentially praised for the modular approach they took. More curious than anything, it seems like the only selling point of motion one to me so far. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, stijlmassi said:

    With this stack, this site: https://agireflexology.com/ remains very stuttery on iOS Safari. In fact, I notice that smoothscrolling often is terrible on iOS. 

    I honestly gave up for now with this issue. Why? Because on my safari it works perfectly. My partner's safari perfectly. My friend's stuttery. 




    I stopped using SmoothScroll in recent projects to avoid stuff like this. 

  5. Alright.

    • Updated the syntax to v3
    • Flattened the SVG on export in Affinity Designer (2) (I apparently did not know what "flatten" actually means)
    • Adjusted the gradient color as it was far too dark 
    • Updated everything to svgOrigin 🙃
    • I did not have to change the 200px part, so I guess you were correct regarding flattening the SVG? Don't really understand that but that's ok for today.


    See the Pen gOBQmvQ?editors=1010 by grizhlie (@grizhlie) on CodePen

    • Like 1
  6. @akapowl Thanks a ton, super helpful! I'll follow everything you said. 


    And of course I MADE UP a property, it's a very "me" thing to do 😅...


    Thanks for everything. I'll redo, learn what I can and will post an improved version as a mini case study of sorts. 


    Appreciate it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Hiya, hopefully a simple one that I'm messing up.


    I exported the SVG from Affinity Designer 2, not sure if that means anything. I don't think it exports things as well to SVG as illustrator (it chooses "circle" over a "path" for example).


    I just want the element with "#moon-1" to rotate around the "planet". I looked around and tried to copy other solutions but I think there's just something fundamental I don't understand. Any clue as to what it is?

    This code doesn't LOOK wrong but I'm clearly missing something...


    gsap.to("#moon-1", {
      duration: 10,
      rotation: 360,
      svgCenter: "200px 200px",
      repeat: -1,
      ease: Power0.easeNone


    Thank you.

    Edit: If anyone has a tool that is great to create SVGs with that is NOT Adobe Illustrator, I'm open to suggestions. I don't think SVGs are Affinity's strength.

    See the Pen VwEVLWN?editors=1010 by grizhlie (@grizhlie) on CodePen

  8. I'm learning a lot, ok i'll fork the original and try the above. ^ Sounds WAY simpler haha. 


    I think I spotted my real issue too. Last time I really read documentation for GSAP I was still learning everything else. If I read some of these things now, they would actually make sense so I think I'll slow down and just read more next time 🙃

    So Solution 2 is way simpler. No store needed, awesome to just find ScrollSmoother anywhere in the app with ScrollSmoother.get().

    Edit: I created a video explanation of the solution. Partially to check my understanding but also to explain this to anyone else who might be new and confused like I was.

    Basically it was as simple as creating this component and injecting it in any page. Could add more logic to it but didn't feel a need for it.

    Basic order of things: 

    1. Component with the logic to register ScrollTrigger & ScrollSmoother, whilst also setting up ScrollSmoother. 
      Of course you can just use this code in +layout.svelte, it does not matter for functionality. I just throw stuff into components.
      <GsapSetup.svelte />
    2. Inject this component into +layout.svelte
    3. Component with the following logic that runs when we are on a new route and the DOM (html elements) are loaded/mounted on a new page (like switching from homepage to the about page) 
      <GsapPageRefresh />
      1. Kill old-route effects (ScrollSmoother stores elements it is creating effects for in an array (list)
      2. Inform ScrollSmoother of the new elements (so we killed home-elements and are now adding about-elements to our array (list)
      3. We just need to refresh ScrollTrigger now and it will recalculate based on all of this information.
    4. Inject this component into any route/page.
    // GsapSetup.svelte
      import gsap from "gsap-trial";
      import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap-trial/dist/ScrollTrigger";
      import { ScrollSmoother } from "gsap-trial/dist/ScrollSmoother";
      import {onMount} from 'svelte'
      let smoother;
      onMount(() => {
        if(typeof window !== "undefined"){
          gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother);
        const ctx = gsap.context(() => {
          smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({
            smooth: 2,
            normalizeScroll: false,
            ignoreMobileResize: false,
            effects: true
        return () => ctx.revert();

    Injected the above into +layout.svelte

    // +layout.svelte
      import GsapSetup from '$lib/GsapSetup.svelte'
      // Other stuff...
    <GsapSetup />
    // Other stuff...

    Created a component with our "Inform Gsap of our new-route elements whilst destroying old ones" logic.

    // GsapPageRefresh.svelte
      import {onMount} from 'svelte';
      import { ScrollSmoother } from "gsap-trial/dist/ScrollSmoother";
      import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap-trial/dist/ScrollTrigger";
      onMount(() => {
          let smoother = ScrollSmoother.get();
          smoother.effects().forEach((effect) => effect.kill());
          smoother.effects('[data-lag], [data-speed]');


    Then I just used the GsapPageRefresh component in every route, it looks like this:

    // home route (routes/+page.svelte) and about route (route/about/+page.svelte) has more or less identical code.
      import PageGsapRefresh from '$lib/PageGsapRefresh.svelte'
      const images = [
    <PageGsapRefresh />
    <!-- svelte:head stuff... -->
    <div class="container">
      {#each images as image, i}
        <div class="img-container">
          <img src="{image}" alt="nada!" class="img" data-speed="auto" data-lag="0" />
    <!-- Styling... -->

    (A cleaner way would be to create onDestroy and onMount logic but this was sufficient for my understanding.)

    Thanks for the new lesson :) 


    • Like 2
  9. Happy to say that your advice worked splendidly. That tiny bit of info about how Gsap needs to be given the new elements was everything.


    I have updated the Basic Demo and tried making it obvious as to how it's all built. So everything is a function or a component, tried doing it step by step.


    For my future self or anyone else interested in this:


    In a nutshell, when changing routes:

    1. Kill all existing effects
    2. Create new effects by telling Gsap about new elements
    3. Refresh ScrollTrigger.


    More information: 

    • In the above solution our ScrollSmoother is available as a store, we can access it anywhere in the application. I find this to be the easiest approach to just call functions from anywhere in the application. But you could use a mixture of setContext, svelte store and dispatching updates when a new route is mounted (onMount).
    • I created functions specific to that stored ScrollSmoother so we can update anything we need, with clarity, for example:
      smoother.updateEffectsLifecycle() ; this function can be called from any page/route. 
      • The above function is further broken down in the code into the 3 steps mentioned above.
    • Instead of using a store like I did you can also use a mixture of setContext + svelte store, within +layout.svelte. This could be considered as more correct and clean way of doing it but for my use case the effect is identical.


    Thanks again Jack, super helpful info.

    • Like 2
  10. Hi all,


    Wondering if someone has come across this and found a solution. Or if I am missing something obvious 🥲


    Any element with data-speed="auto", lets say an image I want to parralax, does not work after I change routes (lets say navigating from Home to Portfolio).


    But I can see scrollTrigger working since scrollSmoother is working and the page is gliding down. I have used ScrollTrigger.refresh() on route changes, added delays to this, etc, nothing seems to be working.


    Is there some mechanism that refreshes elements that the use data-speed attribute? I have not found one, although a Nuxt related post example suggested something like this exists but it did not work for me in SvelteKit.


    Basic Demo (I made it as simple as possible). Just move between Home/About and click the Refresh ScrollTrigger button when you want. I realise I can do it with onMount but as I said, simple as possible. Hoping that I am making some silly mistake.


    I realise that SvelteKit will gain examples and knowledge going frowards since it's finally in 1.0 so I'm not expecting miracles, just hoping for one :)


    Edit: I have even added a fixed button that has ScrollTrigger.refresh() function during my tests (after I am 10000% certain everything is loaded). Still nada.



  11. Sorry guys, it's a super edge-case scenario that I explained rather poorly. Both replies helped me though. 


    Since creating the post/query I have changed how the routing, rendering and how other things work and between all the changes everything works like I wanted it now. 


    13 hours ago, PointC said:

    I'm not really sure I follow the question. If the element is already past the start trigger, it's going to play. It sounds like maybe you want a different ScrollTrigger for desktop and mobile? 


    Have you seen the .matchMedia() method?



    Or, if you want something to wait, you can always use a delayedCall.



    Does that help? Or maybe I'm missing the objective altogether. 


    Happy tweening.



    Thanks this was really useful. I somehow forgot about matchMedia and this will actually help me with another project.


    Delayed call is new to me, I'll play around with it to learn it.



    13 hours ago, Cassie said:

    Maybe you just want to change the start marker position? Like so?

    Embarrassed to say but trigger: body, start: 0 would also have solved my initial problem 😌🔫 ....


    I have only really used these kind of starts that used the element as trigger. start: "top 50%"


    Thanks guys, learned a ton of different ways to solve this (other other) issue from your responses and my mistakes 😅


    Much appreciated!!! 

    • Like 1
  12. Hi gang,


    I'm wondering if there is some inbuilt way to delay scrollTrigger behaviour when the page loads.


    Currently when I load a page, because scrollTriggers rules are met in the below function, the page loads with the element already having animated in. This is because on desktop the hero section is not 100vh, isntead its around 50vh. And the next section already has below rules met.


    gsap.from(element, {
        x: -50,
        opacity: 0,
        scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: element,
            start: "top 90%",
            end: "bottom 85%",
            scrub: true,
            once: true

    I'm wondering if there's a way to stop gsap from doing this initial calculation straight away? Some property I missed or misunderstood would be awesome.


    The demo should show what I mean relatively well. The H1 should have 'started' animating in. But the calculation is done and the element is already set mid-animation. Is there a way to make it animate on page load instead of the animation already being set midway?


    I hope I'm making some sense, any help is appreciated 😅





    See the Pen oNEqzPv by grizhlie (@grizhlie) on CodePen

  13. Thanks a lot guys, the website is about 90% finished and GSAP made it feel magical (so far everyone loves it, especially my client).


    One of my favourite coding experiences so far (Sveltekit + GSAP + Tailwind). I have to say that all 3 technologies scream simplicity and minimalism for the developer and the end results are amazing. Good to be a dev in 2022.


    Not sure why I didn't jump on GSAP earlier 🥰



    • Like 2
  14. @Cassie oh my, thank you :) - work in progress as I learn GSAP and try not going overboard with animations but my client is rather happy about the progress so far! Thanks for this video with Jason, really opened my eyes to the possibilities. 


    I'll play around with some demos after this project is finished to try understanding dos and donts! Thanks for the info on image sizing, will definitely throw that into the tests. 



    • Like 2
  15. Thanks for the response and yeah this design started to come alive with GSAP. Initially I knew I'd like to animate 'stuff' but I didn't really think of exactly how. Then I think a random video of Cassie popped up in my feed and she was showing a demo of ScrollSmoother!! Rest is history.


    I'm both happy and disappointed that you couldn't replicate my issue. No problem and thanks for explaining where it really helps - mobile. I'll do some tests and see where I stand after the dust settles.


    As for preventDefault, honestly - no clue why I kept it in. I was testing GSAP in codepen to somewhat understand what's going on and I think I copied that part of the code and sort of forgot all about it 🥲.


    Thanks again.


    • Like 2
  16. Hi gang,


    New to GSAP but loving it so far 😍


    Wondering if anyone else found any issues whilst using the below. I am just WONDERING to be clear, I found a temporary "solution" as per below. 


    1. ScrollSmoother (NEW)
    2. Safari (Version 15.3 (17612.


    For more context that shouldn't but might matter: I'm using SvelteKit, building a relatively 'simple' webpage. Hosted on Netlify. 




    When scrolling on this page I get jittery behaviour, for a flash I can see an image 'ghost' before everything corrects itself. 


    This occurs only when I use my mouse-wheel. If I drag the scrollbar, all is well. 


    When I set the below everything also seems to be fixed. Now I'm a complete noob with GSAP so perhaps I missed something obvious. Wondering if anyone has come across this bug? To my knowledge normalizeScroll improves behaviour (perhaps only suffering from this bug in Safari, perhaps this version of Safari, etc).


    normalizeScroll: false //from true -> "Fixed" now!

    The whole 'block' of code related to this:


    const smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({
      smooth: 2,
      normalizeScroll: false, //Bug returns when this is set to true
      ignoreMobileResize: true,
      effects: true,
      preventDefault: true

    Cheers :)



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