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theApprentice's Achievements

  1. Hello there, i have a homepage https://staging8.texpack.it/ that has some animations, one kind is a group of which on under 1200px screens makes "fade in moving up some" containers, above 1200px them "come in" from left or right according to a class. These animations run only one time on Chrome mobile, if i come back or refresh the home, only the animations outside the ScrollTrigger.matchMedia({ .. }) work properly. Thank you in advance for your help! Here is the js that manages the responsive functions: ScrollTrigger.saveStyles('.matchMedia'); ScrollTrigger.refresh(); ScrollTrigger.matchMedia({ '(max-width: 1199px)': function(){ // WIDGET BOX IN BOX gsap.utils.toArray('.wbib-trigger:not(.no-gsap)').forEach(function(section) { let target = section.querySelectorAll('.from-left, .from-right'); gsap.from(target, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: section, end: '+=45%', scrub: 1.2, }, opacity: 0, y: 100, duration: 1 }); }); }, '(min-width: 1200px)': function() { // MAIN NAVIGATION var origin = ''; $('.menu-item-has-children').mouseenter(function(event) { origin = $(this).children('a').html(); $(this).addClass('active').find('.sub-menu').addClass('active'); }); $('.menu-item-has-children').mouseleave(function(event) { $(this).removeClass('active').find('.sub-menu').removeClass('active'); }); $('.sub-menu').mouseenter(function(event) { $(this).parents('li').addClass('active'); }); $('.sub-menu').mouseleave(function(event) { if (event.relatedTarget.innerHTML != origin) { $(this).removeClass('active').parent('li').removeClass('active'); } }); // WIDGET BOX ON BOX gsap.utils.toArray('.wbib-trigger:not(.no-gsap)').forEach(function(section) { let target = section.querySelectorAll('.from-left'); gsap.from(target, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: section, end: '+=45%', scrub: 1.2, }, opacity: 0, x: -100, duration: 1 }); }); gsap.utils.toArray('.wbib-trigger:not(.no-gsap)').forEach(function(section) { let target = section.querySelectorAll('.from-right'); gsap.from(target, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: section, end: '+=45%', scrub: 1.2, }, opacity: 0, x: 100, duration: 1 }); }); } });
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