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Everything posted by mercurymirror

  1. Thank you for the answer. I found a simple way to solve the problem. I put the linked text inside a <a> tag indide the <Link> tag and animate from this <a> tag. I worked
  2. No, it's just an hover animation on each Link. Sorry I didn't achieve adding a nextjs codepen.
  3. I want to reuse an hamburger menu I had from a previous react app in my new Nextjs app. There is a siple animation on a list of links. On the previous app, the link where with React-router-dom and it was ok. Since I now use next/link, it doesn't work anymore. Any reason for that? const handleHover = (e) => { gsap.to(e.target, { duration: 0.3, y: 3, skewX: 4, ease: 'power3.inOut' }); }; const handleHoverExit = (e) => { gsap.to(e.target, { duration: 0.3, y: -3, skewX: 0, ease: 'power3.inOut' }); } <nav> <ul> <li><Link onMouseEnter={handleHover} onMouseOut={handleHoverExit} ref={el => (boxRefs.current = el)} href="/nouveautes">Nouveautés</Link></li> <li><Link onMouseEnter={handleHover} onMouseOut={handleHoverExit} ref={el => (boxRefs.current = el)} href="/catalogue"> Catalogue</Link></li> <li><Link onMouseEnter={handleHover} onMouseOut={handleHoverExit} ref={el => (boxRefs.current = el)} href="https://shop.paradisepapers.fr/"> Diffusion</Link></li> <li><Link onMouseEnter={handleHover} onMouseOut={handleHoverExit} ref={el => (boxRefs.current = el)} href="/contacts"> Contacts</Link></li> <li><Link onMouseEnter={handleHover} onMouseOut={handleHoverExit} ref={el => (boxRefs.current = el)} href="https://cmeditions.us17.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=385cdf2c81c2f3bdd2ff1583e&amp;id=fa0ff0c34e"> Newsletter</Link></li> </ul> </nav>
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