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David Gourdet

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  1. This is what was promised and this is what must be delivered https://codepen.io/deodat/pen/MWzxGJY A few differences here with my beginning pen worth to notice: - My .anim-wrapper width is not auto anymore but 100% - My .image is flex: none with no overflow:hidden (not sure this makes a difference) - My .image-l in its final state (.gallery--switch) is aspect-ratio: auto not unset (not sure this makes a difference either) - I trigger .anim-wrapper and not .anim (this seems to be a big difference) - My pin is set to gallery.parentNode and not true (idem)
  2. Hi @Rodrigo, Thanks for helping! I started over from the Codrops demo because, contrary to what I said before and after giving it a closer look, it's working pretty great when I resize my window and it achieves what I'm looking for: https://codepen.io/deodat/pen/eYQXrOY there is no resize event in it, nor revert of the GSAP Context instance. Maybe I've missed something with my CSS. I'm going to investigate a little bit more, correct my first pen, and, hopefully, I'll be able to show the result here
  3. I think the problem is that I use Flip.to instead of Flip.from, so when I call flipCtx.revert(), my animation goes to final state instead of initial state. But I can't figure out how I could make it with Flip.from.
  4. Hello, I was inspired by this beautiful demo on Codrops : https://tympanus.net/Development/ScrollBasedLayoutAnimations/ and tried to do something like it. But like in the Codrops demo, it's not working when I resize the window. I tried many things with gsap.context() the result is that the container doesn't grow or shrink with the window, or the centered image takes the full screen -- as in its final state -- and the animation doesn't play anymore. I've read many threads in the forum but it doesn't seem to fit to the context of my animation, or maybe (certainly) I'm missing something. Thanks a lot for your help!
  5. Hey @Cassie, thanks, it helps a lot! I didn't kow about the "max" value, I'm gonna study this. And I think I can build on top of that.
  6. Hello, I'm trying to display a modal that scrolls horizontally when loaded. I took my inspiration from this pen : https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/wvxoGeG It works perfectly when ScrollSmoother is not involved, but as soon as I uncomment the lines (5 to 11) that enable ScrollSmoother, it doesn't work anymore and I don't have a clue about the reason why. It seems that my ScrollTrigger is now related to the ScrollSmoother instance and I don't want that. Is there a method to detach my ScrollTrigger instance from the ScrollSmoother one? Any guidance is much appreciated.
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