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Everything posted by are_dub

  1. Thanks OSUblake! I left out the css, which helps a lot in making the data look ekg-ish. I am definitely going to checkout the simplfy-js, it could be quite useful as there is a ton of data being shoved into the SVG. I'm starting to wonder about the ekg being able to meet the speed requirements I have for this. When I directly bound the svg (outside of a directive) to the scope var then changed the var the line would go screaming by, but I had none of the dom manipulation that I need for users to navigate the data. I'm hoping I can get somewhere near there using this configuration. Can I ask - what does this bit of code do? interval = TweenLite.delayedCall(0.1, function() { }) Thanks for your help.
  2. Hello, I am trying to build an animation where GSAP will tween an SVG's d value to values that are stored in Angular scope variables. Currently I am using three "buffer" attributes to hold d values waiting to be used. These buffers are in the root controller scope, and are updated / refreshed by a function called in the onComplete of each tween in the timeline. The svg is inside of a directive, and the bound data can be outputted to the dom inside the directive reflecting the changes made to the scope var. The problem is that the target value of the tween doesn't change, as if GSAP doesn't notice that the scope var has changed. How can I get GSAP to notice that the bound var has changed, and tween to the new target value? I tried to get this going in a code pen, but for some reason the ng-if that the directive waits for was never triggered, so there was a whole bunch of nothing on the screen. Sorry about that, attaching code here : points.js is a temporary, external .js data source. It looks like this : var pointsServicePoints = [ 0,51.75885, 0.537109375,55.035365, 1.07421875,58.67774, 1.611335,69.03644, 2.1484375,73.44304, 2.68555375,91.91347, 3.22265625,102.512685, 3.7597725,110.4608538, 4.296875,117.23217, 4.83399125,117.9035, 5.37109375,120.02518, 5.90821,121.87956, 6.4453125,117.093845, 6.98242875,117.22029, 7.51953125,113.7137265, 8.0566475,109.850114, 8.59375,107.4311315, 9.13086625,114.337245, 9.66796875,113.621948, 10.205085,106.555064, 10.7421875,112.5433925, 11.27930375,107.3785735, 11.81640625,107.055696, 12.3535225,103.23841, 12.890625,107.243752, 13.42774125,108.128185, 13.9649125,104.9441085,......................etc for about 8,000 lines. App.js var cacheTestApp = angular.module('cacheTestApp',[]) .controller('CacheTestAppController', ['$scope','CacheService', 'PointConverterService', function($scope, CacheService, PointConverterService){ var cacheCont = this; $scope.dPoints1 = ""; $scope.dPoints2 = ""; $scope.dPoints3 = ""; //Main Holder For X,Y from Cache $scope.rawDataArray = []; // next offset to use for dPoints - offset by 2 to get to start of next x,y pair. var nextDPoint = 2; // Points to render for each svg var pointsPerSvg = 4000; angular.element(document).ready(function(){ // Get points from service. $scope.rawDataArray = CacheService.extractDataPoints(); // Get points to convert for initial SVGs var activeSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(0,pointsPerSvg); nextDPoint+=2; var firstSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(nextDPoint,nextDPoint + pointsPerSvg); nextDPoint+=2; var secondSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(nextDPoint,nextDPoint + pointsPerSvg); nextDPoint+=2; // Convert x,y points to SVGs. $scope.dPoints1 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(activeSvg); $scope.dPoints2 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(firstSvg); $scope.dPoints3 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(secondSvg); }); /** * Swap points in buffers. * @param p */ $scope.advancePoints = function(p){ var t0 = performance.now(); var nextSvg = $scope.rawDataArray.slice(nextDPoint,nextDPoint + pointsPerSvg); switch(p){ case 1 : $scope.dPoints1 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(nextSvg); break; case 2 : $scope.dPoints2 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(nextSvg); break; case 3 : $scope.dPoints3 = PointConverterService.convertToSvg(nextSvg); break; } nextDPoint += 2; $scope.$apply(); }; }]); directives.js cacheTestApp.directive('svgDirective', [function(){ var linker = function(scope, element, attrs){ var lead1p1 = document.getElementById('lead1path1'); lead1p1.setAttribute("d",scope.points1); var updateMe = function(){ console.log("Update me triggered!"); scope.advancePoints(scope.points1) }; var tl = new TimelineMax({repeat:-1, paused:true}); tl.to(lead1p1,.1, {attr:{d:scope.points1}, onComplete:scope.advance, onCompleteParams:[{id:1}]}) .to(lead1p1,.1, {attr:{d:scope.points2}, onComplete:scope.advance, onCompleteParams:[{id:2}]}) .to(lead1p1,.1, {attr:{d:scope.points3}, onComplete:scope.advance, onCompleteParams:[{id:3}]}); document.getElementById('tweenStarter').addEventListener('click', function(){tl.play();}); document.getElementById('tweenStopper').addEventListener('click', function(){tl.pause();}); var style = window.getComputedStyle(lead1p1); var left = style.getPropertyValue('left'); }; return { scope:{ points1: '@points1', points2: '@points2', points3: '@points3', advance: '&advance' }, link: linker, templateUrl: 'pages/svg-directive.html' } }]); services.js cacheTestApp.service('CacheService', ['$rootScope',function(){ /** * Uses points from points js to simulate return to points request. * @returns {pointsServicePoints} */ this.extractDataPoints = function(){ return pointsServicePoints; }; this.extractHeartbeats = function(){ }; }]); /** * PointConverterService * Converts from x,y to svg. * Returns path. */ cacheTestApp.service('PointConverterService', [function(){ this.convertToSvg = function(pointArray){ var size = pointArray.length; var last = size - 4; var path = "M" + [pointArray[0], pointArray[1]]; for (var i = 0; i < size - 2; i += 2) { var x0 = i ? pointArray[i - 2] : pointArray[0]; var y0 = i ? pointArray[i - 1] : pointArray[1]; var x1 = pointArray[i + 0]; var y1 = pointArray[i + 1]; var x2 = pointArray[i + 2]; var y2 = pointArray[i + 3]; var x3 = i !== last ? pointArray[i + 4] : x2; var y3 = i !== last ? pointArray[i + 5] : y2; var cp1x = (-x0 + 6 * x1 + x2) / 6; var cp1y = (-y0 + 6 * y1 + y2) / 6; var cp2x = (x1 + 6 * x2 - x3) / 6; var cp2y = (y1 + 6 * y2 - y3) / 6; path += "C" + [cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2]; } return path; }; }]); svg-directive.html <svg id="ekg_holder"> <defs> <pattern id="basicPattern" x="0" y="0" width="5.5" height="5.5" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"> <rect x='0' y='0' height="5.5" width="5.5" style="fill:rgb(250,250,255);stroke-width:.5;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)"></rect> </pattern> </defs> <rect x="0" y="0" width="1100" height="220" fill="url(#basicPattern)"/> <rect x='0' y='110' height="1" width="100%" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0);stroke-width:.1;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)"/> <!--<polyline id="EKGpoly"></polyline>--> <path id="lead1path1" class="ekgMove"/> <!-- <path id="lead1path2" class="ekgMove"/> <path id="lead1path3" class="ekgMove"/>--> </svg> <a href="#" id="tweenStarter">Start</a> <a href="#" id="tweenStopper">Stop</a> {{points1}} index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-us" data-ng-app="cacheTestApp"> <head> <title>Cache Test App</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-COMPATIBLE" content="IE-Edge"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/css.css"/> <script src="js/angular.js"></script> <script src="js/app.js"></script> <script src="js/services.js"></script> <script src="js/directives.js"></script> <script src="js/greensock/uncompressed/TweenMax.js"></script> <style> html, body, input, select, textarea { font-size: 1.05em !important; } </style> </head> <body data-ng-controller="CacheTestAppController as cacheCont"> <div class="container"> <div svg-directive ng-if="dPoints1" points1="{{dPoints1}}" points2="{{dPoints2}}" points3="{{dPoints3}}" advance="advancePoints(id)"></div> </div> <div class="container"> <div> <div id="var1holder" class="jumbotron" data-ng-bind="dPoints1"></div> <div id="var2holder" class="jumbotron" data-ng-bind="dPoints2"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html> css : #lead1path1{ fill: none; stroke: #ed0002; stroke-width: 1; } Thanks in advance for any help, and thanks to @OSUblake for the help on the x,y -> svg conversion!
  3. Wow, thanks! I am going to try to digest this, but it seems like a lot of the abilities I am looking for are in there. Awesome. I'll let you know how it turns out!
  4. Hello, I need to render a line graph, using data points, and allow the user to scroll left or right through the graph. I was thinking to use drawSVG in some fashion, but I am having an issue translating the data points to an SVG line. I'm not sure that is the way to go - I need to have the graph display about 10 seconds of a 30 minute long wave, but the user needs to be able to scroll back and forth at will. What would you use to achieve this effect? My current thinking is that I either Render an svg for each frame of the animation, somehow translating x and y into an svg line. Render one long wave and scroll it within a container. (Again somehow translating x and y into an svg line) Look at graphing libraries and use greensock to manipulate the data point properties. I obviously at the concept stage here, so sorry for the lack of details. Any thoughts are appreciated!
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