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Bimal Pandey

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Everything posted by Bimal Pandey

  1. I forked one of the scrollto plugin's codepen from the docs, I have the exact same setup with few navigation buttons and I used scrollToPlugin to smoothly scroll to the clicked section. I also have an indicator to show which section I'm in and when the users scroll, the indicator accurately shows where the users is in the navigation buttons, I used scrollTrigger to do that but I couldn't make it work in the codepen so I commented out the registerPluin(ScrollTrigger) line but the scrollTrigger code below shows how it should be working. This makes everything jittery as when scrollToPlugin is scrolling to the specific section, scrollTrigger also triggers its own animation. Is there any way to skip scrollTrigger's animation while scrollToPlugin's animation is playing?
  2. I got it to work on my current project by adding width:${hasHovered?"100px":"0px"} height:${hasHovered?"100px":"0px"}` this line of code in line 19 of the codepen but not on codepen.
  3. So I have this setup and whenever I hover over the div with class "skills__text__container__Main__langs", I want it increase cursor element's width and height but as soon as the function completes it returns back to its initial style.
  4. So I am trying to animate some clouds. It's just a simple animation, just move the clouds from right to left but I want that to happen infinitely. I have the most basic thing but that doesn't look good and it just instantiates in the middle and disappears anywhere. How can I make this look good or have bunch of variables to control so that I can have some variations. Any help will be extremely helpful. ❤️ This is my first post so if I did anything wrong please let me know, I read through most common errors and GSAP forum's guidelines.
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