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Posts posted by Fisher666

  1. Hello!

    I had sort of a similar problem in Nuxt3 with Lightgallery and ScrollSmoother. Before closing Lightgallery, the page jumped to the top and then scrolled back to the gallery container. This occurred only when opening Lightgallery for the first time (still not acceptable :)). ScrollSmoother.paused(true) in Lightgallerys onBeforeOpen hook didn't help, it paused on position 0. 

    What did work was setting smooth() to 0 in onBeforeOpen and setting it back to a desired value in Lightgallerys onBeforeClose hook. But... if the gallery was opend while the page was still moving (smoothing), after closing, it jumped to the point where smoothing would end. 

    I found a workaround to that, I'll post it below since this was the only post about the topic I found and it can help someone in the future.


    const position = ref();
    function beforeOpen() {
      const smoother = ScrollSmoother.get();
      position.value = smoother?.scrollTop();
    function beforeClose() {
      const smoother = ScrollSmoother.get();


    • Thanks 1
  2. Hello!

    Thanks for the great solution, it has saved me a lot of time.  Everything worked perfectly until I created multiple layouts,  it took me a while until i got a positive result.  At the end i recreated the ScrollSmoother on the layout change in every layout .


      mounted() {
      beforeDestroy() {



    If there is a better way, please correct me, if not i hope it will save some time for others.




  3. Thank you for explaining about the state and image rendering, it makes things more clear. But in your pen you can also observe the same behavior if one of the bigger size images are clicked first - first flip is freezing for a split sec, if  the light-weight image is clicked first animation is smooth.  I tried to play the animation in Chrome, Edge, Opera and Mozilla. Only in Mozilla animation was smooth if first flipped item is the big one.   

  4. Like here if you start with the smaller size image  first flip is smooth and if continue flipping the bigger size images also flip smooth. If you start with bigger image first flip freezes. These are the same 4mb images, but it did the same with 200kb which I do not consider big at all🙄.


    See the Pen powLJLo by Fishers666 (@Fishers666) on CodePen


  5. Thanks for clearing things out. In the original project I had active class declared before original class and cause of laziness used important 🤦‍♂️.

    Originally my images are 100kb to almost 1mb. I compressed them and converted to webp and got to 50kb -400kb and now if I start with the one that's 50kb it flip smooth, if I start with bigger ones it still freezes on first flip. And question why only first image freezes still stands.

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  6. Hello!

    Ill get straight to the point. When flipping first item, it freezes for a split sec,  the rest are flipping smooth afterwards. I bet you guys know what's going on there. :) I also have a side question about overflow.  Is it possible to preserve overflow:hidden on container(img-wrap) wile flipping? At the moment image(child of the container being flipped) is visible full height when flipping and at the end of animation overflowing parts is hidden again.


    Ill explain my end goal so it's more clear what's going on.  Clicking on small image it goes to the right column and becomes a big image, current big image moves to the left column. Overflow is important, because the big image will be looping/sliding from bottom to top.  Made the pen just to isolate the problem.

    See the Pen powaqMB by Fishers666 (@Fishers666) on CodePen

  7. You got me on the right track, and I found a solution. I noticed that in last demo I posted, after invalidate() I am missing an overlay and with clicking on ball div with toggle direction everything actually work, so I made an independent tween for overlay and everything is working as expected.:) 

    Thank you both for your time! This forum is the best!


    See the Pen yLbZpEz?editors=1111 by Fishers666 (@Fishers666) on CodePen


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  8. Thank you for pointing out toggle direction and especially about showing how I can use scroll scroll trigger here. Both of these solutions fits in perfectly, but the problem about .to tween remembering positions from first render still persist.  I look forward to see your  Flip demo. :)

  9. Thank you for fast response!

    I made another pen so you could get the idea of what I'm trying to do. When user clicks on envelope icon , div that contains it scales up and transforms to a rectangle and form fades in(left some parts out of the pen). I didn't use scroll trigger, because I don't want the ball div to get back in position while it is scaled if user opens form(scales up ball) for example in mid-page and  scrolls back to top  with ball being scaled-up.

    As for using invalidate(), this is best I could come up with, it resets starting position, which is exactly what I wanted but  popFormTl.reverse() doesn't work 2nd time.

    If I could get some hint how to make it work more than once, I would be thankful.


    As for Flip Plugin I definitely will take a look, but at the moment I am not a member of Club GreenSock(I think it is only matter of time, cause I enjoy GSAP more and more), so it will not be used in this project.  


    See the Pen oNWmBVd?editors=1111 by Fishers666 (@Fishers666) on CodePen

  10. Hello!

    I enjoy reading this forum for a wile now, and it have helped a lot.  Thank you for that. 

    So, the ball remember position from which it got scaled first time, for example if I play and than reverse the scaling animation when ball is in corner, it will start and end in corner also when clicked in starting position.  I tried experimenting with clearProps and invalidate(), but I'm missing something... 

    See the Pen VwbVEWb by Fishers666 (@Fishers666) on CodePen

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