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  1. Hello. As you can see in demo I have titles, that are sticky on the top. But I can`t understand how to create sticky on bottom. I want to see all 4 tabs on bottom, that start scrolling after each other. If I give a css style sticky, with scrolltrigger it works incorrect. Help me please. I use this example as reference https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/XWXdGaw/9e7bf431223f98516c0431cfdefb6e3f , but I really don`t understand how to do it in my codepen. Thank you!
  2. Hello. How I can set viewport to top position? start: self => self.previous().end In this case my viewport marker is on bottom, I want it on top. start: self => self.previous().end + ' top' - doesn`t work properly
  3. Hello! I can`t disable scrub in single timeline. let tl2 = gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger: { trigger: "#content", scrub: 2, pin: "#content", pinSpacing: false, start: self => self.previous().end, end: "+=2000 }, defaults: { ease: "none" } }); tl2.to(".content__inner", { opacity: 1 }, 0) tl2.to(charsRow1, { scrollTrigger: { trigger: '#content', scrub: false }, y: 0, opacity: 1, stagger: 0.04, }, 0) First timeline works with scrub, but I want disable it in second one. How I can do it?
  4. Yes, thank you a lot. I often do something, but I`m not sure I`m doing it correctly, that`s why I ask how I can do it, for better understanding.
  5. Thank you for information. In my case I don`t have such cool images. So, if I transform scale for this dot for full background, how I can do it for good perfomance?
  6. Thank you, but if I want to scale for getting full white background, in my actual project I need to scale: 300, is it good? Because my projects starts working slowly and badly
  7. Hello, as you can see in my demo after opacity I scale section. But, my question is, how I can scale to specific point, I want scale to dot in question mark? I want scale in it, after show another section. But how to determine these coordinates or what I have to do? Thank you
  8. Thank you! I thought there was something special for this idea
  9. Thank you very much for your codepen. I was working a lot, and now I have enough great result!
  10. Hello! Can you please tell me how can I change the color of the cursor depending on the section using gsap? Of section 1 I want white cursor, and on footer black cursor.
  11. And why on mobile phone it seems that fps on pinned section is not good?
  12. I have a question. When I scroll back, my text section start scrolling down, how I can avoid it?
  13. Omg, it looks so hot! Thank you! I`ll go study
  14. Done https://codepen.io/Kisa777Zaika/pen/rNdxEZM
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