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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2024 in all areas

  1. sure - just use the start/end properties motionPath: { align: sparklePath, path: sparklePath, alignOrigin: [0.5, -0.5], start: 1, end: 0 }, Happy tweening.
    3 points
  2. Hi @Rodrigo, 🤦‍♂️ Total facepalm moment, thank you for picking up on that! Thanks for the resources also, I've been looking over them and they definitely feel more like home to me. I imagine we'll be mixing both react components and vanilla JS in an upcoming project, so it will be nice to use an animation library that's more framework agnostic than what Framer Motion offers. Going forward I anticipate GSAP becoming a staple in our future projects. Thanks again!
    2 points
  3. Hello and welcome to the GSAP forums, If you just want a timeline to repeat a few times and then do something different at the end I would set up and repeating timeline with a callback that can play a custom animation when the repeat count reaches a certain value. In the example below the bottom flashes green after the final iteration. https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/poeEmWP However, since you want to scrub in GSDevTools I would create the repeating timeline and scrub through it multiple times in another timeline using tweenFromTo() In the example below the red box does not fade out (reset) on the last iteration which is what it sound like you want. https://codepen.io/snorkltv/pen/ZEZoqBV?editors=1010 Both of these approaches are explained in detail throughout my GSAP courses if you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding. Hopefully this gets you on the right track for now.
    2 points
  4. It does pin as expected but not visible because background image is not set on second section. Instead, after setting bg I see that 2nd section is not unpinning because it is shorter than other sections. Setting end to "+=100%" unpins it correctly. https://codepen.io/SahilAFX/pen/oNOdMQd
    2 points
  5. Hi @Jumaworks, In fact with the latest update of the Horizontal Loop helper function Jack made, there is no need for convoluted conditional logic blocks like the one you have in your demo: useGSAP( () => { const boxes = gsap.utils.toArray('.box'); gsap.set(boxes, { backgroundColor: gsap.utils.wrap(colors), }); const mm = gsap.matchMedia(); mm.add('(min-width: 769px)', () => { const loop = horizontalLoop(boxes, { repeat: -1, }); }); }, { scope: boxesContainer, } ); Just let MatchMedia and GSAP Context do the reverting work and heavy lifting for you! Simple, easy and clean (like we love our code around here! 😉) Here is a simple demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-wunbqy?file=src%2FApp.jsx&terminal=dev Happy Tweening!
    2 points
  6. Hi, Thank you, I know I'm trying something very complicated. More or less it is repeating the function according to the number of elements. Since there are, for example, 4 elements, the code to repeat would be: /* repeat el.length; comienza el primero y termina, pasando al segundo, etc. */ // element 01 r.to(el[0], { maskSize: "200%" }, "firstMask") .fromTo(el[0].querySelector(".image"), { scale: 1.25 }, { scale: 1 }, "firstMask").add((function () { return el[0].classList.add("active") } ), "firstMask+=0.4") // element 02 r.to(el[1], { maskSize: "200%" }, "secondMask") .fromTo(el[1].querySelector(".image"), { scale: 1.25 }, { scale: 1, }, "secondMask").add((function () { return el[1].classList.add("active") } ), "secondMask+=0.4") // element 03 r.to(el[2], { maskSize: "200%" }, "thirdMask") .fromTo(el[2].querySelector(".image"), { scale: 1.25 }, { scale: 1 }, "thirdMask").add((function () { return el[2].classList.add("active") } ), "thirdMask+=0.4") // element 04 r.to(el[3], { maskSize: "200%" }, "lastMask") .fromTo(el[3].querySelector(".image"), { scale: 1.25 }, { scale: 1 }, "lastMask").add((function () { return el[3].classList.add("active") } ), "lastMask+=0.4") /* END repeat */ And I have solved it like this, since I don't know how to do it 100% with gsap, like this: /* Repeat */ for (let c = 0; c < el.length; c++) { r.to(el[c], { maskSize: "200%" }, c + "Mask") .fromTo(el[c].querySelector(".image"), { scale: 1.25 }, { scale: 1 }, c + "Mask").add((function () { return el[c].classList.add("active") } ), c + "Mask+=0.4"); } /*END repeat */ I can add the number of elements I want in the DOM without changing the js. It works, which is what is important!!! hehehehe Thank you very much for everything and magnificent tools!!! All the best,
    1 point
  7. Ah, that's because inside the helper function there was a "resize" event handler that was re-initiating things. I just edited the helper function to put it inside a gsap.context() that uses a cleanup function for the "resize" event handler to remove that: https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-jbsvf4?file=app%2Fhelper.js function horizontalLoop(items, config) { let timeline; items = gsap.utils.toArray(items); config = config || {}; gsap.context(() => { // use a context so that if this is called from within another context or a gsap.matchMedia(), we can perform proper cleanup like the "resize" event handler on the window let onChange = config.onChange, lastIndex = 0, tl = gsap.timeline({repeat: config.repeat, onUpdate: onChange && function() { let i = tl.closestIndex(); if (lastIndex !== i) { lastIndex = i; onChange(items[i], i); } }, paused: config.paused, defaults: {ease: "none"}, onReverseComplete: () => tl.totalTime(tl.rawTime() + tl.duration() * 100)}), length = items.length, startX = items[0].offsetLeft, times = [], widths = [], spaceBefore = [], xPercents = [], curIndex = 0, indexIsDirty = false, center = config.center, pixelsPerSecond = (config.speed || 1) * 100, snap = config.snap === false ? v => v : gsap.utils.snap(config.snap || 1), // some browsers shift by a pixel to accommodate flex layouts, so for example if width is 20% the first element's width might be 242px, and the next 243px, alternating back and forth. So we snap to 5 percentage points to make things look more natural timeOffset = 0, container = center === true ? items[0].parentNode : gsap.utils.toArray(center)[0] || items[0].parentNode, totalWidth, getTotalWidth = () => items[length-1].offsetLeft + xPercents[length-1] / 100 * widths[length-1] - startX + spaceBefore[0] + items[length-1].offsetWidth * gsap.getProperty(items[length-1], "scaleX") + (parseFloat(config.paddingRight) || 0), populateWidths = () => { let b1 = container.getBoundingClientRect(), b2; items.forEach((el, i) => { widths[i] = parseFloat(gsap.getProperty(el, "width", "px")); xPercents[i] = snap(parseFloat(gsap.getProperty(el, "x", "px")) / widths[i] * 100 + gsap.getProperty(el, "xPercent")); b2 = el.getBoundingClientRect(); spaceBefore[i] = b2.left - (i ? b1.right : b1.left); b1 = b2; }); gsap.set(items, { // convert "x" to "xPercent" to make things responsive, and populate the widths/xPercents Arrays to make lookups faster. xPercent: i => xPercents[i] }); totalWidth = getTotalWidth(); }, timeWrap, populateOffsets = () => { timeOffset = center ? tl.duration() * (container.offsetWidth / 2) / totalWidth : 0; center && times.forEach((t, i) => { times[i] = timeWrap(tl.labels["label" + i] + tl.duration() * widths[i] / 2 / totalWidth - timeOffset); }); }, getClosest = (values, value, wrap) => { let i = values.length, closest = 1e10, index = 0, d; while (i--) { d = Math.abs(values[i] - value); if (d > wrap / 2) { d = wrap - d; } if (d < closest) { closest = d; index = i; } } return index; }, populateTimeline = () => { let i, item, curX, distanceToStart, distanceToLoop; tl.clear(); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { item = items[i]; curX = xPercents[i] / 100 * widths[i]; distanceToStart = item.offsetLeft + curX - startX + spaceBefore[0]; distanceToLoop = distanceToStart + widths[i] * gsap.getProperty(item, "scaleX"); tl.to(item, {xPercent: snap((curX - distanceToLoop) / widths[i] * 100), duration: distanceToLoop / pixelsPerSecond}, 0) .fromTo(item, {xPercent: snap((curX - distanceToLoop + totalWidth) / widths[i] * 100)}, {xPercent: xPercents[i], duration: (curX - distanceToLoop + totalWidth - curX) / pixelsPerSecond, immediateRender: false}, distanceToLoop / pixelsPerSecond) .add("label" + i, distanceToStart / pixelsPerSecond); times[i] = distanceToStart / pixelsPerSecond; } timeWrap = gsap.utils.wrap(0, tl.duration()); }, refresh = (deep) => { let progress = tl.progress(); tl.progress(0, true); populateWidths(); deep && populateTimeline(); populateOffsets(); deep && tl.draggable ? tl.time(times[curIndex], true) : tl.progress(progress, true); }, onResize = () => refresh(true), proxy; gsap.set(items, {x: 0}); populateWidths(); populateTimeline(); populateOffsets(); window.addEventListener("resize", onResize); function toIndex(index, vars) { vars = vars || {}; (Math.abs(index - curIndex) > length / 2) && (index += index > curIndex ? -length : length); // always go in the shortest direction let newIndex = gsap.utils.wrap(0, length, index), time = times[newIndex]; if (time > tl.time() !== index > curIndex && index !== curIndex) { // if we're wrapping the timeline's playhead, make the proper adjustments time += tl.duration() * (index > curIndex ? 1 : -1); } if (time < 0 || time > tl.duration()) { vars.modifiers = {time: timeWrap}; } curIndex = newIndex; vars.overwrite = true; gsap.killTweensOf(proxy); return vars.duration === 0 ? tl.time(timeWrap(time)) : tl.tweenTo(time, vars); } tl.toIndex = (index, vars) => toIndex(index, vars); tl.closestIndex = setCurrent => { let index = getClosest(times, tl.time(), tl.duration()); if (setCurrent) { curIndex = index; indexIsDirty = false; } return index; }; tl.current = () => indexIsDirty ? tl.closestIndex(true) : curIndex; tl.next = vars => toIndex(tl.current()+1, vars); tl.previous = vars => toIndex(tl.current()-1, vars); tl.times = times; tl.progress(1, true).progress(0, true); // pre-render for performance if (config.reversed) { tl.vars.onReverseComplete(); tl.reverse(); } if (config.draggable && typeof(Draggable) === "function") { proxy = document.createElement("div") let wrap = gsap.utils.wrap(0, 1), ratio, startProgress, draggable, dragSnap, lastSnap, initChangeX, wasPlaying, align = () => tl.progress(wrap(startProgress + (draggable.startX - draggable.x) * ratio)), syncIndex = () => tl.closestIndex(true); typeof(InertiaPlugin) === "undefined" && console.warn("InertiaPlugin required for momentum-based scrolling and snapping. https://greensock.com/club"); draggable = Draggable.create(proxy, { trigger: items[0].parentNode, type: "x", onPressInit() { let x = this.x; gsap.killTweensOf(tl); wasPlaying = !tl.paused(); tl.pause(); startProgress = tl.progress(); refresh(); ratio = 1 / totalWidth; initChangeX = (startProgress / -ratio) - x; gsap.set(proxy, {x: startProgress / -ratio}); }, onDrag: align, onThrowUpdate: align, overshootTolerance: 0, inertia: true, snap(value) { //note: if the user presses and releases in the middle of a throw, due to the sudden correction of proxy.x in the onPressInit(), the velocity could be very large, throwing off the snap. So sense that condition and adjust for it. We also need to set overshootTolerance to 0 to prevent the inertia from causing it to shoot past and come back if (Math.abs(startProgress / -ratio - this.x) < 10) { return lastSnap + initChangeX } let time = -(value * ratio) * tl.duration(), wrappedTime = timeWrap(time), snapTime = times[getClosest(times, wrappedTime, tl.duration())], dif = snapTime - wrappedTime; Math.abs(dif) > tl.duration() / 2 && (dif += dif < 0 ? tl.duration() : -tl.duration()); lastSnap = (time + dif) / tl.duration() / -ratio; return lastSnap; }, onRelease() { syncIndex(); draggable.isThrowing && (indexIsDirty = true); }, onThrowComplete: () => { syncIndex(); wasPlaying && tl.play(); } })[0]; tl.draggable = draggable; } tl.closestIndex(true); lastIndex = curIndex; onChange && onChange(items[curIndex], curIndex); timeline = tl; return () => window.removeEventListener("resize", onResize); // cleanup }); return timeline; } Is that better?
    1 point
  8. Oh ok I get you! No looping. ☺️ Here you go - you need to adjust the styling and markup a little to get this right. You'll also need to pin the container for the duration so that you get that 'fixed' effect before scrolling on to the footer. https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/wvejoZR?editors=0010
    1 point
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