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Cant get crop to work

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I cant get crop to work, is it possible to use it with dynamically added images?


var myTargets:Array = [];

var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets,constrainScale:false,forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:false,handleSize:35});

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Sorry I just pasted the wrong code in there!

 I'm looking a crop instance for dynamically added images, I'm adding images as there taken, to my manager

function showMedia( loader:Loader ):void
loader.width = 640;
loader.height = 480;
loader.y = 109.35;
loader.x = 160;
/*loader.rotation = 90;*/
this.addChild( loader );


and here is my manager

var myTargets:Array = [];

var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager({targetObjects:myTargets,constrainScale:false,forceSelectionToFront:true,allowDelete:true,autoDeselect:false,handleSize:35});
in  the example it shows each crop made one at a time
can I some how set up a crop with "myTargets"
var mc1Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc1, manager);
var mc2Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc2, manager);
var mc3Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc3, manager);
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Nope, you don't add it to the manager - the Crop does that for you. You pass the TransformManager instance to the Crop so that it knows how to associate things. Check out the example in the docs. 

import com.greensock.transform.*;

//create the TransformManager first 
var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager();
//now create Crop objects for mc1, mc2, and mc3 which are all DisplayObjects on the stage
var mc1Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc1, manager);
var mc2Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc2, manager);
var mc3Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc3, manager);

So once you create your TransformManager, you can add as many Crops as you want, whenever you want. 

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Nope, you don't add it to the manager - the Crop does that for you. You pass the TransformManager instance to the Crop so that it knows how to associate things. Check out the example in the docs. 

import com.greensock.transform.*;

//create the TransformManager first 
var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager();
//now create Crop objects for mc1, mc2, and mc3 which are all DisplayObjects on the stage
var mc1Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc1, manager);
var mc2Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc2, manager);
var mc3Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc3, manager);

So once you create your TransformManager, you can add as many Crops as you want, whenever you want. 

Ok but it still looks like I would need to know the name of the object, but in my code its being loaded from a camera so I don't know what the name will be?


right now all the pictures loaded manager as loader and it works fine how could I add a crop into this scenario?

function showMedia( loader:Loader ):void
loader.width = 640;
loader.height = 480;
loader.y = 109.35;
loader.x = 160;
/*loader.rotation = 90;*/
this.addChild( loader );
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Try replacing this:


...with this:

var crop:Crop = new Crop(loader, manager);

But also keep in mind that you must ensure that your image has finished loading before you do this, otherwise its dimensions might actually be 0x0 when the Crop is trying to figure out its size. 

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dang, I get this eror message when I test that code
Scene 1, Layer 'cam', Frame 2, Line 197 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Crop.
Scene 1, Layer 'cam', Frame 2, Line 197 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Crop.


I added import com.greensock.transform.*;


and don't get the eror

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to use a button to turn on and off Crop,
is there an equivalent to  "manager.deleteSelection(); " for   cropMode true?


I'm adding my imageLoader to new Crop shown below:


but I want to use a button  "on click" to change the "cropped true" of whatever object is slected  and then agin to false with a finished button.

but my var crop:Crop = new Crop(imageLoader,manager); is not accessible out side the function imageLoaded
so I get an error that flash docent know what Crop is?
any ideas would be most welcome :)

function imageLoaded ( event:Event ):void{
log2 ( "Image loaded asynchronously." );
imageLoader.width = 640;
imageLoader.height = 480;
imageLoader.y = 109.35;
imageLoader.x = 660;
imageLoader.rotation = 90;
this.addChild ( imageLoader );

var crop:Crop = new Crop(imageLoader,manager);

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If I understand your question correctly, you just need to declare your variable outside your function:

var crop:Crop;
function imageLoaded(...) {
    crop = new Crop(...);

..then you can still access that variable outside of that function. 

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Thanks for the reply, and yes ,sorry my question is confusing!

what I'm wondering is is there something like manager.deleteSelection(); for cropMode true?
​or would it be something like crop.Selection = cropped "true";
Crop.Selection.cropMode = true;

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Thanks, I'm trying to set the Crop instance's "cropMode" to true or false with a button, but I cant find the current selection I have been trying manager.configureCropMode but no luck

I tried crop.configureCropMode(true); and this

function cropitFunction (event:MouseEvent):void{


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  • 4 weeks later...

One more crop qustion, 


After adding images to the crop

crop = new Crop(imageLoader,manager);

I can no longer tween their alpha, if I set alpha to 1 it turns black


Is it possible to have both?

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