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Jerky small movements

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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Firstly sorry, I know this has been asked before but I have tried to use force3d and it hasn't fixed the issue.

I have some code that makes an image jiggle, it just slowly wobbles on screen. The problem is the browser seems to be rounding off the pixels and creating this jerky motion. Has anyone found a solution to this.

Here's my code:-


function moveToRandom (target, startX, startY) {
		//alert(target + " " + startX + " " + startY);
		var randXshift = startX + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5);
		var randYshift = startY + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5);
		var randTime = getRandomArbitary(0.5, 2);

		TweenMax.to(target, randTime, {left: randXshift, top: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target, startX, startY]});

Thanks a lot


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Hi Will,


What you could try is animate translate properties instead of position properties. The translate properties values are not rounded so there will be sub pixel rendering.

TweenMax.to(target, randTime,
    x: randXshift, y: randYshift, 
    ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, 
    onComplete: moveToRandom, 
    onCompleteParams:[target, startX, startY]

The only caveat for this is that translate properties won't affect document flow, But if you don't need to keep document flow while animating the elements, then is OK.



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Thanks for the answers, I have implemented it and can tell it is looking smoother already, but now I have another problem. All my startX and startY positions are now completely off.


function startP2Jiggle (){
	for(i=1; i <= p2_letters; i++) {
		var jigTarget = document.getElementById("p2_letter_" + i);
		var jigX = jigTarget.offsetLeft;
		var jigY = jigTarget.offsetTop;

		moveToRandom(jigTarget, jigX, jigY);

function moveToRandom (target, startX, startY) {
	//alert(target + " " + startX + " " + startY);
	var randXshift = startX + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5);
	var randYshift = startY + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5);
	var randTime = getRandomArbitary(0.5, 2);

	//TweenMax.to(target, randTime, {left: randXshift, top: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target, startX, startY]});
	TweenMax.to(target, randTime, { x: randXshift, y: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target, startX, startY]});

As you can see above in the function startP2Jiggle I'm sending the offsetLeft and offsetTop to moveToRandom. How do I go about changing these to get the x and y instead?


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Worked it out. Turns out if I'm now tweening the X and Y I don't need to know where it's and and y was before.


function startP2Jiggle (){
	// alert("startjiggle");
	for(i=1; i <= p2_letters; i++) {
		var jigTarget = document.getElementById("p2_letter_" + i);

function moveToRandom (target) {
	var randXshift = getRandomArbitary(-5, 5);
	var randYshift = getRandomArbitary(-5, 5);
	var randTime = getRandomArbitary(0.5, 2);

	TweenMax.to(target, randTime, { x: randXshift, y: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target]});

That's a nice little jiggle function if anyone wants it x

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