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onComplete "loop" not working

HyperNerd test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I had this idea to use onComplete on a delayed function to create kind of a looping effect, but it appears that once I call a function from onComplete more than once, it stops. I suppose my idea isn't possible this way?


function fadeOne() {
TweenLite.to(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:two});

function two() {
var b1 = document.getElementById("b1");
TweenLite.from(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var b2 = document.getElementById("b2");
TweenLite.from(b2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var b4 = document.getElementById("b4");
TweenLite.from(b4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeTwo});
function fadeTwo() {
TweenLite.to(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:one});
function one() {
var a1 = document.getElementById("a1");
TweenLite.from(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var a2 = document.getElementById("a2");
TweenLite.from(a2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var a4 = document.getElementById("a4");
TweenLite.from(a4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeOne});

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Thanks for the help, Jack! I tried this and the loop still stops once when I send it back to fadeOne again.


function fadeOne() {
TweenLite.to(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:two, onCompleteScope:this});

function two() {
var b1 = document.getElementById("b1");
TweenLite.from(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var b2 = document.getElementById("b2");
TweenLite.from(b2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var b4 = document.getElementById("b4");
TweenLite.from(b4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeTwo, onCompleteScope:this});
function fadeTwo() {
TweenLite.to(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:one, onCompleteScope:this});
function one() {
var a1 = document.getElementById("a1");
TweenLite.from(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var a2 = document.getElementById("a2");
TweenLite.from(a2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut});
var a4 = document.getElementById("a4");
TweenLite.from(a4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeOne, onCompleteScope:this});

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Have you added console.log() calls inside each method to see if they're getting called and verifying that your targets are indeed what you expect to be passing each tween?


If you need more help, please create a simplified version that isolates the problem (rather than referring us to a page with lots of other stuff going on that could potentially be interfering).

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