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Custom Quality while Tweening.. is this possible ?

Applauz test
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Actually, I don't think that would be at all helpful (as long as bitmapMode is true) because altering the display quality only reduces the load on Flash's rendering engine for taking raw stuff (text, vectors, scaled bitmaps, etc.) and calculating the pixels for the screen but BlitMask avoids all that anyway. The pixels are captured initially and then simply copied into place accordingly. So I can't imagine how reducing the display quality would help (at least with the BlitMask content). Maybe it'd help if you have other objects that are changing on the screen that are unrelated to BlitMask.

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hmm.. is there a way to custom set the quality of the bitmap that is captured when bitmapMode is set to true ?


on a retina iPad when bitmapMode gets set to true I can see a quality downgrade. This happens while the user is dragging and swiping so its not a big deal. You can see in the Facebook iPhone app that when you are scrolling the images are all a very low quality and then the quality is good again when the easing stops.


This is what I want to happen in my app. The lower the quality on the bitmap the better the scrolling would be .. correct ?

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No, I don't think that the lower quality capture would result in any difference in performance while scrolling - it would simply look worse because the initial capture was lower quality. Capturing at a lower quality would likely just speed up the initial capture (which might be a trade off you're comfortable with). Think of it this way - if you have a 10 megapixel digital camera and you take a crystal-clear photo and then you take the same photo after changing the focus so that everything is very blurry - both photos would contain the same number of pixels and use [almost] the same amount of kb on your hard drive. When the computer reads the pixels to display the photo on the screen, it must do the same amount of work for each photo but one will look much better than the other.


You can set the smoothing parameter to false on your BlitMask if you want to reduce the quality and improve performance. Have you tried that?

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yes .. 100% positive. I know this because on iPad3 Flash/AIR is not able to capture at the retina quality ... so when the bitmap is captured I can see that the quality is degraded during the scrolling / dragging and when the tween stops and bitmapMode is set back to false the image is set back to retina quality.

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