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Feature request - manual bg rect override

Sam test
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Hi Jack,


I'd like to make a feature request for the FlexContentDisplay & ContentDisplay classes. In your _update call you are drawing a, normally transparent, rectangle:

		protected function _update():void {
		var left:Number = (_centerRegistration && _fitWidth > 0) ? _fitWidth / -2 : 0;
		var top:Number = (_centerRegistration && _fitHeight > 0) ? _fitHeight / -2 : 0;
		if (_fitWidth > 0 && _fitHeight > 0) {
			graphics.beginFill(_bgColor, _bgAlpha);
			graphics.drawRect(left, top, _fitWidth, _fitHeight);

I remember something from the docs about this being to insure mouse interactions would function properly. My request is to have a var that tells it *not* to do this. I would like to draw these backgrounds myself but updates were interfering. I extended the class but it sure would be nice to not have to check/maintain it each time I update my greensock. My thoughts are something like:

		protected function _update():void {
		var left:Number = (_centerRegistration && _fitWidth > 0) ? _fitWidth / -2 : 0;
		var top:Number = (_centerRegistration && _fitHeight > 0) ? _fitHeight / -2 : 0;
		if ( !manualBg )
			if (_fitWidth > 0 && _fitHeight > 0) {
				graphics.beginFill(_bgColor, _bgAlpha);
				graphics.drawRect(left, top, _fitWidth, _fitHeight);

With the appropriate getters and setters for manualBg. I can pass along what I have done if you like but I assume you'd like to do it your own way.




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Hey Sam. I'm a little reluctant to add that sort of feature because I just don't think it would get used by even 1% of the audience and it would impose a file size and API cost, plus you can already accomplish your goal using different methods. Two ideas that come to mind:


1) Extend ContentDisplay/FlexContentDisplay, add your functionality, and then set the LoaderMax.contentDisplayClass to your new class.


2) Don't draw on the graphics layer inside the ContentDisplay - instead, either nest it inside another Sprite in which you draw your graphics or nest a Sprite inside the ContentDisplay to draw your graphics (depending on the stacking order you want).


How does that strike you?

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Couldn't hurt to ask. I am doing option 1 but I have to completely override the _update call so I am essentially copying that function and then removing that piece. A little easier than merging but still with the some maintenance concerns. #2 is undesirable for a slew of reasons that are unique to my situation.


Anyhow, thanks for the fast reply.

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