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[Flex] Blank objects in Crop

sonicworks test
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I was having a little trouble when adding an image to the crop where it disapeared.



var image1:Image = new Image;



var mc1Crop:FlexCrop = new FlexCrop(videoStageObject, myTransManager.manager);



I had an idea that it's a usual flex issue where the image Display object isn't ready yet. solved by....


var image1:Image = new Image;



TweenLite.delayedCall(1, addCrop, [image1]);


private function addCrop(imageDO:DisplayObject):void{

var mc2Crop:FlexCrop = new FlexCrop(imageDO, myManager.manager);




It works, but is there a neater way?


Hope this helps someone

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Yeah, Flex can be super annoying with little quirks like that. I'm not very familiar with the intricacies of the Flex framework, but I suspect that there's an event that gets fired by the Image when it is "officially" ready (maybe "creationComplete"?) Or you could use a delayedCall to call the update() methods of the associated TransformItem and FlexCrop.

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