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TweenMax to repeat with dynamic different tweenmaxvars

isekream test
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I'm trying to repeat a tween which on complete manipulates the original tween property


For example I'm tween a "y" position and on completing it repeating the tween but using the NEW "y" position. However, the repeat doesn't seem to work with dynamic properties...can you guys recommend me a correct way to do it?

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This is what I'm trying to do

public function spinning(){
		//var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({onComplete:myFunction});
		for(var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
			var sq:Loader = squares[i];
			TweenMax.to(sq, .2, {repeat:-1, y: sq.y, dynamicProps: {y: pos }, blurFilter:{blurY:20}, onComplete:function(sq){ if(sq.y > 176){ sq.y = -GUTTER - AREA; } },onCompleteParams:[sq]});


	public function pos(){
		return GUTTER +AREA;


However I would rather repeat the Tween using new "y" position AFTER the tween is completed

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I'd probably do something more like this:


public function spinning(){
for (var i:int = 0; i 		var sq:Loader = squares[i];
	TweenMax.to(sq, .2, {dynamicProps: {y: pos }, blurFilter:{blurY:20}, onComplete:repeatSpin, onCompleteParams:[sq]});

public function repeatSpin(sq):void {
if (sq.y > 176) { 
	sq.y = -GUTTER - AREA;
TweenMax.to(sq, .2, {dynamicProps: {y: pos }, onComplete:repeatSpin, onCompleteParams:[sq]})

public function pos(){
 return GUTTER +AREA;

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Sounds like there must be something else going on in your code - I just tested this and it worked great for me even with a duration below 1. Could you please post a very simple FLA that demonstrates the problem so that I can publish it on my end and see the error? You are using the latest version of TweenMax, right?

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Apparently I was not and updated to the latest version.


In the end though your API could not produce the solutions I wanted.


I ended up having to use

public function spinning(e)
		var max:Number = squares.length;

		// Get the last frame in the array
		var last:Loader = squares[max - 1];
		if(Math.floor(SPEED) <= 1){
			for(var j:Number = 0; j < max; j++)

					if(Math.floor(squares[j].y) >= -1 && Math.floor(squares[j].y) <= 1){

		// If the last frame is below the stage height
		if(last.y >= 176 + GUTTER)
			// Get reference to the first frame in the array
			var first:Loader = squares[0];

			// Set the last frame position just above the first one
			last.y = -AREA;

			// Take the reference from the end of the array
			var frame:Loader = Loader(squares.pop());

			// Now stick it on the front of the array so it's now the first one

		// Now get the current last frame from the array and move it
		last = squares[max - 1];
		last.y += (SPEED -= (SPEED * 0.08));

		// Loop used to move each frame....here we start at the second to last one in the array
		// and iterate in descending order.  This is done because we are moving the last frame (see above)
		// and then all the other frames follow behind
		for(var i:Number = max - 2; i >= 0; i--)
			// Get current frame from the array
			var current:Loader = squares[i];

			// Get the frame that is infront of the current frame
			var next:Loader = squares[i + 1];

			// Position current frame relative to the next one infront of it
			current.y = next.y - current.height - GUTTER;


in order to get the desired results. Just need to straighten out a few bugs

I am trying to create a slot machine effect using dynamically loaded movieclip


Can you offer up a way that I can integrate it using your API?

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