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  1. Apparently I was not and updated to the latest version. In the end though your API could not produce the solutions I wanted. I ended up having to use public function spinning(e) { var max:Number = squares.length; // Get the last frame in the array var last:Loader = squares[max - 1]; if(Math.floor(SPEED) <= 1){ for(var j:Number = 0; j < max; j++) { if(Math.floor(squares[j].y) >= -1 && Math.floor(squares[j].y) <= 1){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,spinning); straighten(j); } } // } // If the last frame is below the stage height if(last.y >= 176 + GUTTER) { // Get reference to the first frame in the array var first:Loader = squares[0]; // Set the last frame position just above the first one last.y = -AREA; // Take the reference from the end of the array var frame:Loader = Loader(squares.pop()); // Now stick it on the front of the array so it's now the first one squares.unshift(frame); } // Now get the current last frame from the array and move it last = squares[max - 1]; last.y += (SPEED -= (SPEED * 0.08)); // Loop used to move each frame....here we start at the second to last one in the array // and iterate in descending order. This is done because we are moving the last frame (see above) // and then all the other frames follow behind for(var i:Number = max - 2; i >= 0; i--) { // Get current frame from the array var current:Loader = squares[i]; // Get the frame that is infront of the current frame var next:Loader = squares[i + 1]; // Position current frame relative to the next one infront of it current.y = next.y - current.height - GUTTER; } } in order to get the desired results. Just need to straighten out a few bugs I am trying to create a slot machine effect using dynamically loaded movieclip Can you offer up a way that I can integrate it using your API?
  2. Alast it is an awkward solution...I needed to also "decrease" the speed of each spin at intervals to a full stop as well would it have been best to use TimelineMax instead?
  3. This is what I'm trying to do public function spinning(){ //var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({onComplete:myFunction}); for(var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) { var sq:Loader = squares[i]; TweenMax.to(sq, .2, {repeat:-1, y: sq.y, dynamicProps: {y: pos }, blurFilter:{blurY:20}, onComplete:function(sq){ if(sq.y > 176){ sq.y = -GUTTER - AREA; } },onCompleteParams:[sq]}); } } public function pos(){ return GUTTER +AREA; } However I would rather repeat the Tween using new "y" position AFTER the tween is completed
  4. I'm trying to repeat a tween which on complete manipulates the original tween property For example I'm tween a "y" position and on completing it repeating the tween but using the NEW "y" position. However, the repeat doesn't seem to work with dynamic properties...can you guys recommend me a correct way to do it?
  5. Hi, I am trying to use Greensocks Tween API to tween a ball along a set of bezier points but I need it to be based on force and momentum. Thus the ball's tween completion is based on the force or momentum that ball has so the tween will animate up till the momentum/ force has been depleted Can anyone give me some physics help on this?
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