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Native width & height from ImageLoader?

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I`m using ImageLoader class for image loading and processing.


here is the code:

var _qimage:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader(_image, {name:"photo1", estimatedBytes:2400, container:imageLoader, x:imageLoader.thBg.x, y:imageLoader.thBg.y, alpha:1, width:80, height:62, scaleMode:"proportionalOutside", onComplete:completeHandler, onError:errorHandler});


As you can see, by using: width:80, height:62 I define size in which image should be loaded and that needs to be loaded in that size, but I also need original size info.


My question is: Can I get original/native size of Image I`m loading.


Thank you


You can always get the native size of any DisplayObject using the getBounds() method, like this:


var rawContent:DisplayObject = myImageLoader.rawContent; //gets the image that was loaded
var bounds:Rectangle = rawContent.getBounds(rawContent);
trace("native width: " + bounds.width + ", height: " + bounds.height);


You could also access the rawContent's loaderInfo.width and loaderInfo.height.

  • 8 months later...

Following on from this question I'm trying to use the full size loaded image elsewhere within my swf but I'm having difficulty accessing it.


If we imagine the original size image is 1024x768 and the ImageLoader has displayed the image at 100x75.


So I have to following example which traces out the correct full size dimensions:


var rawContent:DisplayObject = myImageLoader.rawContent; //gets the image that was loaded
var bounds:Rectangle = rawContent.getBounds(rawContent);
trace("native width: " + bounds.width + ", height: " + bounds.height);


Doing this removes the smaller image and places it onto my container MC.



How can I create a full sized version of the loaded image to place onto my container MC as well as leaving the smaller version where it is? :roll:


Thanks for any help you can give me.





I think I found the solution unless there is a more efficient way?

var bm = new Bitmap(myImageLoader.rawContent.bitmapData, "auto", true);

I think I found the solution unless there is a more efficient way?

var bm = new Bitmap(myImageLoader.rawContent.bitmapData, "auto", true);

Bingo. You've got it.

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